Level Up Your Real Estate Business with Customized BPO Services

Unlock your real estate firm’s growth potential with Unity Communications. Our affordable and tailored services offer unmatched talent and resources.

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We Help You Close More Deals and Manage More Properties

Focus on clients, not paperwork, with our 24/7 remote administrative services. We help real estate agents and brokers manage emails, schedule appointments, coordinate showings, and more.

Streamline workflows with ease. Our real estate BPO agents manage every step of a deal, from contract creation to closing. They also coordinate with all parties and facilitate smooth communication.

Reach quality leads, whether buyers, sellers, or renters, through tailored marketing and prospecting strategies. We cover cold calling, email campaigns, social media outreach, and networking.

Keep clients happy with 24/7 support. Our proactive agents are trained in customer service best practices. They can quickly learn your services and processes for a seamless customer support experience.

Reclaim valuable time for your core services by outsourcing property management tasks. We can handle tenant relations, rent collection, maintenance and repairs, and lease agreements.

Maximize your listings’ exposure with our real estate BPO team. Agents can efficiently create, update, and manage listings across various online platforms, helping you reach more customers.

Say goodbye to repetitive and time-consuming data entry tasks. We scale our BPO solutions to help you easily enter and organize real estate-related data during high-volume and low-volume seasons.

Why Work With Us


Outsourcing real estate processes to Unity Communications lets you save 65% on labor costs without compromising the quality of talent.


We offer uninterrupted real estate BPO support, helping you keep your business running so you never miss a lead or a closing again.


We've met and exceeded our clients' expectations, increasing their customer base by 100% through our BPO services.


Our real estate clients regain 10–20 hours per week by entrusting tasks to us, allowing them to focus on core competencies.

Unity Communications is committed to revolutionizing how realtors manage transactions and properties in the constantly changing real estate industry.

We offer customized solutions that enable firms to streamline workflows, reduce operating costs, and increase their customer base so they can help more individuals find the perfect properties.

We don’t just see ourselves as a real estate BPO provider but as a strategic partner in our client’s success.

Patrick Brown,
Unity Communications

Schedule a Consultation With Patrick Brown

To ensure optimal support for your real estate firm, we invite you to schedule a 30-minute call with our CEO today.

Focus on Client Connections. We’ll Handle the Back End!

With Unity Communications, you don’t have to worry about being stretched thin. We provide a comprehensive support team well-versed in real estate trends, best practices, and regulations.

Your dedicated tech BPO team includes:

  • Real Estate Virtual Assistants
  • Data Entry Specialists
  • Customer Support Team
  • Project Managers
  • Comprehensive Marketing Team
  • Sales Associates
  • Listing Coordinator
  • Transaction Coordinator
  • Billing and Collection Specialist
  • Leasing Consultant
  • Property Consultant
  • Real Estate Accountants

Why Real Estate Firms Choose Unity Communications for All Their Outsourcing Needs

Get more work done in less time with scalable resources, streamlined operations, and improved workflows. Unity Communications helps you minimize expenses without sacrificing service quality and data privacy!

Global Talent, Local Expertise

Tap into a diverse pool of support agents well-versed in real estate processes and international regulations. We help you achieve your growth goals efficiently and without the risk of non-compliance.

Flexibility and Scalability Combined

Bridge resource gaps that hinder you from maximizing productivity. Our scalable teams can quickly adapt to and master new cultures and processes, ensuring personalized support.

Effortless Technology Integration

Minimize disruptions with our expert agents. We tailor our processes to ensure seamless integration with your existing real estate and CRM systems.

Robust Data Security Ensured

We take data security and privacy seriously. Unity Communications complies with relevant regulations, so you can confidently work with us and know your data is safe.

Significant Cost Savings With No Surprises

Access top-quality talent and resources to scale your real estate business without breaking the bank. Our rates are clear and fixed, with no hidden costs!

15 Years of Proven BPO Excellence

Experience the Unity difference. Our global BPO expertise gives us a unique perspective and helps us optimize our services to ensure your business’s sustainable growth.

Interested in Outsourcing Your Real Estate Back-Office Roles to Unity Communications?

Outsourcing process - Get in touch

01Get In touch

Schedule a 30-minute call with our founder & CEO

Outsourcing process - Get a proposal

02Get a proposal

We’ll identify your needs and provide a proposal in less than 3 days.

Outsourcing process - Meet & greet your new team

03Meet & greet your new team

We’ll get your entire team onboarded and ready to start working for you in less than 30 days.

What Is Real Estate BPO?

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is crucial in the competitive and ever-evolving real estate industry. BPO services help property developers, managers, investors, and owners streamline administrative chores to support and boost long-term growth.

This article explores how businesses can use real estate BPO services to focus on their primary strengths while enhancing non-core processes. It examines outsourcing’s advantages and disadvantages, integration optimization techniques, and emerging industry trends.

Continue reading to learn how a business can prosper in the post-pandemic real estate sector through outsourcing.

Unraveling Real Estate BPO for Businesses

Real estate BPO involves subcontracting non-core tasks within the industry to third-party service providers offering nearshore, onshore, or offshore outsourcing services. This proven and cost-effective strategy lets client companies spend more time, funds, and energy on primary operations to attain long-term stability and profitability.

The global sector will continue to expand in the next seven years. Statista reports that the real estate market value will hit  $729 trillion by 2028 from $637 trillion in 2024, posting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.41% within the forecast period. 

Grand View Research cites that the global market will expand due to the rising population and the desire for individual household spaces. As of 2021, commercial real estate was considered the chief driver of industry growth. Additionally, the Internet significantly raised consumers’ awareness of online real estate services.

With the real estate industry bouncing back strongly post-pandemic, numerous BPO services have emerged. Accordingly, more businesses require support with customer service, administrative tasks, and other additional operations. BPO providers can meet these requirements, spur demand, and nurture collaborations between the sectors.

BPO Services for Real Estate Companies

Real estate BPO services reinvent operations by providing specialized assistance across several areas to meet their business requirements. Here are some specific examples of BPO services in this market: 

  • Property management. BPO companies provide property management services such as tenant screening, rent collection, maintenance coordination, and lease administration. Outsourcing these operations allows real estate organizations to focus on strategic goals such as property acquisition and development.
  • Data entry and management. Real estate transactions involve crucial data such as property details, client info, financial records, and market analytics. Third-party providers excel in data entry outsourcing services, ensuring accurate processing. These services empower firms to make informed decisions and uphold data integrity.
  • Lead generation and management. Constantly generating potential customer interest is vital for real estate growth. BPO organizations provide targeted marketing, lead qualification, and nurturing services, enabling access to qualified leads, improved conversion rates, and enhanced market presence.
  • Transaction coordination. BPO companies aid real estate transactions by managing documentation, scheduling inspections, facilitating communication, and ensuring compliance. Outsourcing minimizes errors, reduces timelines, and boosts efficiency in transactions involving buyers, agents, lenders, and other stakeholders.
  • Marketing and advertising. BPO vendors provide website building, content generation, and digital advertising services. Outsourcing allows real estate companies to leverage expert marketing knowledge and innovative strategies, increasing business growth. 
  • Accounting and financial services. Third-party vendors offer accounting services such as bookkeeping and tax preparation. Outsourcing ensures accuracy and compliance, allowing real estate enterprises to improve economic performance.
  • Virtual assistant (VA) services. What is a real estate VA? This third-party professional specializes in real estate administrative tasks, including scheduling, email management, document preparation, and customer support. They enable real estate agents to focus on client interactions while maintaining efficiency.

Major Dilemmas for Real Estate Firms

Businesses encounter issues that influence their strategies, operations, and overall stability in the industry. These challenges need proactive management and innovative solutions that real estate BPO services can provide. Let us check the details:

  • Volatile market. Real estate organizations deal with market fluctuations caused by interest rates, economic situations, and geopolitical reasons. Uncertainty influences property values and investment decisions. Proactive risk management is required to seize opportunities while mitigating potential losses.
  • Complex regulations. The property sector faces a complicated regulatory landscape encompassing zoning, land use, environmental regulations, construction codes, and tax laws. Thorough preparation and legal oversight are vital to prevent disputes, fines, and delays.
  • Technological disruption. Artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and virtual reality (VR) are changing how people sell and manage real estate. Enterprises must innovate, invest in technology, and modify their business methods to stay competitive and relevant.
  • Environmental and sustainability concerns. Growing ecological consciousness pressures real estate businesses to minimize their carbon footprints and improve energy efficiency. Balancing sustainability issues with economic viability necessitates inventive solutions and intelligent planning for long-term success.
  • Strategic talent acquisition and retention. Agents, managers, developers, and analysts are necessary in the real estate industry. In a competitive marketplace, investing in hiring, training, and retention is crucial to preserving a business edge and offering excellent customer service.
  • Demographic shifts. Urbanization and population expansion spur demand for residential and commercial properties. To thrive and survive, real estate firms must track trends, adjust consumer preferences, and cater to diverse markets.
  • Economic uncertainty. Business slowdowns and market adversities affect real estate by altering consumer confidence and investment behavior. Responding to these changes and employing flexible strategies are vital for longevity.

Advantages of Real Estate BPO Services

Real estate BPO services simplify operations, lower expenses, enhance productivity, and contribute to revenue growth. Consider the following benefits:

  • Substantial savings. Outsourcing property management, data entry, and administrative tasks to service providers yields cost savings for property companies. Operating in regions with lower labor costs, BPO firms provide access to skilled professionals at reduced rates compared to in-house staff.
  • Better focus on core competencies. Outsourcing tasks to nearshore or offshore BPO providers frees property companies’ internal resources for core activities, driving growth and profitability. These activities include acquisition, development, and client management. 
  • Scalable and flexible features. Real estate BPO enables companies to scale their workforce and resources according to demand fluctuations. Whether managing portfolios during peak or slow periods, third-party vendors offer quick adaptation, ensuring flexibility and cost-efficiency.
  • Available talent. BPO providers excel in real estate, marketing, and finance functions. Outsourcing allows property firms to leverage the expertise of industry professionals without extensive training or hiring.
  • First-rate efficiency and quality. BPO services streamline company operations, enhancing efficiency. Dedicated teams deliver high-quality results promptly. Moreover, BPO enterprises often employ best practices and innovative tech, optimizing processes and improving service delivery.
  • Elevated customer service. Outsourcing customer support enhances companies’ overall customer satisfaction and retention rates. BPO partners offer 24/7 support, multilingual services, and personalized solutions, effectively catering to diverse client and tenant needs.
  • Minimized risks. BPO companies assist clients in risk mitigation, covering regulatory compliance and data security. They have robust systems ensuring compliance and safeguarding sensitive data, effectively reducing potential security breaches and operational risks.

How Companies Can Navigate Real Estate BPO Challenges

While real estate BPO provides several rewards, it presents particular challenges for companies. Recognizing and implementing measures is crucial to managing these issues:

  • Communication barriers. Clear communication is vital for BPO collaboration. However, language barriers, time zones, and cultural differences might impede it.

Suggested measures: Set up clear communication with third-party professionals and VAs, offer detailed instructions, and hold regular check-ins for alignment.

  • Turnover and training costs. High attrition among BPO providers can increase training expenses and operational disruptions for property businesses. 

Suggested measures: Cultivate lasting ties with dependable BPO partners, valuing employee retention. Offer thorough onboarding and training to reduce turnover and maintain service continuity.

  • Performance monitoring. Tracking the progress of BPO providers and evaluating their impact on business outcomes can be challenging for property businesses. 

Suggested measures: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with business goals. Review them regularly, provide feedback, and implement improvement plans to boost accountability and improve BPO service delivery.

  • Legal and contractual risks. Real estate BPO entails partnering with third parties and exposing property businesses to legal and contractual risks.

Suggested measures: Seek legal guidance for business process outsourcing agreements to ensure clarity in operational, dispute resolution, and indemnification clauses. Regular audits and compliance checks also reduce legal risks in real estate BPO.

  • Compliance with regulations. Real estate has varied regional regulations. Property firms must ensure BPO compliance in management, leasing, and reporting tasks.

Suggested measures: Conduct thorough due diligence, set clear contracts, and monitor compliance through regular audits to help mitigate regulatory risks associated with real estate BPO.

Finding a Top-notch Real Estate BPO Ally: Factors to Consider

Engaging with respected business process outsourcing companies is vital for successful operations. Follow these guidelines to determine the appropriate real estate BPO partner:

  • Subject matter expertise. Opt for BPO prospects with extensive sector experience in property management, brokerage, and development. Prior involvement indicates an understanding of industry challenges and regulations.
  • Fluency in compliance requirements. Verify the BPO provider’s knowledge of real estate regulations, such as data security and banking requirements. Check candidates’ credentials to ensure they are dedicated to adherence.
  • Conformity with company beliefs. Measure cultural fit with BPO partner. Select partners aligned with your principles and organizational culture for a productive partnership.
  • Clarity and directness. Assess the BPO partner’s communication methods. Look for those emphasizing open communication, frequent updates, and responsiveness to requests and feedback.
  • Fee structure. Study the BPO pricing approach. Prioritize value over cost, looking for fair prices, excellent service, and demonstrated business advantages.
  • Adaptability. Determine the scalability and flexibility of the BPO partner’s services. Real estate companies require partners that can adapt to changing demands. Explore flexible engagement tactics.
  • Competence in technology. Evaluate the BPO partner’s technology capabilities and facilities. They must have advanced technologies, robust security protocols, and innovative real estate options. 
  • History of success. Research the BPO partner’s credentials. Analyze client feedback,  real estate case studies, and accomplishments to understand how they regularly produce results.

Efficient Approaches to Integrating Real Estate BPO Into Operations

Firms must leverage BPO services through precise planning, transparent discussion, and effective delivery to increase productivity, efficiency, and earnings. Uncover some strategies for integrating and maximizing real estate BPO services into your processes:

  • Elaborate on stated goals. Establish outsourcing goals and responsibilities. Determine which jobs to allocate and set quantifiable improvement goals.
  • Build robust communication platforms. Direct interaction is necessary for BPO implementation. Provide clear communication channels and engagement requirements. Regular discussions and feedback sessions help ensure uniformity and openness during integration.
  • Design comprehensive integration blueprints. Construct thorough integration plans that outline the phases, deadlines, and roles for BPO integration. Develop methods and data requirements to ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption.
  • Provide in-depth directions and guidance. Supply training materials and assistance for in-house and BPO team members throughout the integration process. Ensure they understand the roles and duties and how to work with the system.
  • Utilize resilient software solutions. Deploy technologies to ensure effortless interaction. Cloud platforms, project management tools, and communication systems can help simplify operations, measure progress, and assess results more effectively.
  • Monitor results and enhancements. Examine the BPO team’s operations to identify weaknesses and apply changes. Analyze KPIs to gauge the efficacy of outsourced and internal business operations.
  • Stimulate alliances and cooperation. Encourage networking and collaboration between the real estate organization and BPO vendor. Facilitate regular contact, information sharing, and a sense of reciprocity to develop partnerships.

Emerging Real Estate BPO Trends Shaping the Industry

Advancements in the BPO industry influence how real estate firms use outsourcing to optimize procedures, enhance performance, and maintain competitiveness. Learn about upcoming outsourcing trends that might affect property organizations:

  • Digital transformation. Real estate BPO leverages AI and machine learning (ML) to automate procedures. Digital transformation helps property firms simplify activities, increase data accuracy, and make better decisions.
  • Data analytics. Data analytics is gaining traction in real estate BPO because it provides insights into market trends and consumer preferences. By detecting new trends and opportunities, it assists firms in optimizing portfolios and improving client experiences.
  • Specialized services. Companies are increasingly delegating specialized services, including property management, lease administration, and financial research. By outsourcing, real estate organizations can access specialized expertise while reducing operating costs. 
  • Sustainability and green initiatives. Property companies’ environmental responsibility is becoming more prominent. Real estate BPO trends reflect this transition toward sustainability, with service providers offering services that promote green initiatives, energy efficiency, and sustainable construction techniques. 
  • Service model flexibility. BPO firms provide customized service options to satisfy enterprises’ needs and tastes. These approaches offer on-demand, project-oriented, and tailored solutions. Flexibility allows real estate clients to respond to market changes, maximize resources, and grow operations as needed.
  • Blockchain technology. Blockchain enhances transparency and security. BPO providers utilize this advanced technology for management, title verification, and contracts, decreasing administrative costs for organizations.

The Bottom Line

Real estate BPO enhances efficiency, customer satisfaction, and revenue growth. Additionally, by collaborating with a reputable BPO provider, organizations can quickly access varied talent and achieve superior efficiency and quality. 

These two elements allow real estate professionals to innovate more effectively and deliver exceptional value to clients, driving business growth and maintaining an industry edge. 

Let’s connect if you consider leveraging real estate BPO services and joining forces with Unity Communications to help you propel your business!