Mexico’s IT Industry: Why It’s Booming and What You Need to Know

Mexico's IT industry is booming with government support, high service demand, a workforce, and better infrastructure. Hiring IT virtual assistants? Explore Mexico's BPO sector for cultural compatibility, cost-effective talent, and smooth collaboration. Join the IT boom now!
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Mexico’s information technology (IT) industry is experiencing remarkable growth driven by strong government support, increasing service demand, a skilled workforce, and enhanced communications infrastructure. 

If you are considering hiring IT virtual assistants in Mexico, continue reading this article. It explores the country’s dynamic BPO landscape and its benefits, from cultural compatibility to a cost-effective workforce and seamless collaboration. 

Discover how to join the IT boom in Mexico—your gateway to innovation and efficiency!

Mexico’s IT Industry Soaring to New Heights

Mexico’s IT Industry Soaring to New Heights

Mexico’s technology industry has experienced significant growth and development, registering an average annual growth rate of 10.5% from 2002 to 2018. The outlook is also bright, as the IT services market is expected to rise by 7.53% from 2023 to 2028. Statista states the market’s value will reach $18.03 billion in 2028. 

Additionally, Mordor Intelligence reports that the country’s IT sector is relatively competitive and fragmented. Numerous significant information and communication technology (ICT) firms continually advance and increase their presence in growing regions. The ICT market comprises hardware, IT and telecommunication services, and software.

Mexico’s IT Industry: Past, Present, and Future 

An IEEE Computer Society blog notes that Mexico’s IT sector has a history of challenges. The nation saw substantial technical advancement during the “stabilizing development period” under the administrations of Adolfo López Mateos and Gustavo Daz Ordaz. This led to significant economic expansion and commercial investment.

The blog adds that Mexico established a national plan in 1981 to support the development of the electronic equipment sector, resulting in more domestic computer businesses.

The International Trade Administration (ITA) observed a 9.4% growth in the Mexican IT market in 2022. The country is emerging as a top-tier software developer, focusing on high-quality software development for manufacturing, aerospace, and finance. It hosts 38 IT clusters, providing various services from software development to call centers and engineering services.

ITA adds that the national government joins the worldwide trend towards a service-oriented IT industry, offering technologies under service contracts or leases. This leads to opportunities in software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and platforms as a service (PaaS). 

Why Mexico’s IT Industry Keeps Growing

The following factors contributed to the rise of the country’s IT sector:

  • Government policies and modernization efforts. The Mexican government played a big part in establishing the country’s research and development (R&D) environment. Programs such as MexicoFIRST concentrate on improving the quantity and quality of skilled IT workers through training grants and certifications.
  • Demand for IT positions. Several factors drive the rising demand for IT professionals in Mexico and worldwide. These include the need for digital security, the increased usage of mobile apps, and technology integration with manufacturing processes.
  • Workforce talent. Mexico has a large pool of qualified tech talent, with over 600,000 IT professionals working in the sector and growing by 65,000 annually. The country also has numerous universities and vocational schools, contributing to its research and innovation capacity.
  • Telecommunications infrastructure. The improvement of telecommunications infrastructure in Mexico is critical for the survival of other businesses, including commerce and tourism. It also aids in the development of the IT industry.
  • Outsourcing favorite. Mexico is a preferred outsourcing location for firms wanting to obtain IT skills at affordable rates. The country is rated first among U.S. trading partners. This preference offers a politically stable business environment.

Services Offered by Mexico’s IT Industry

Mexico‘s vibrant IT industry offers extensive services, showcasing its technology prowess. Below are some examples:

  • Software development. This service includes designing and programming software applications for various platforms and purposes.
  • Application maintenance. It involves ongoing support and updates to ensure the longevity and efficiency of software applications.
  • Infrastructure management. This service oversees and manages IT systems or platforms, including hardware, software, and networks.
  • Technical support. This function assists users by addressing questions and troubleshooting technical issues.
  • Call centers. They are facilities equipped to handle inbound and outbound calls, offering customer support and communication services.
  • High-tech manufacturing. The service uses advanced technology and automation in manufacturing and production processes.
  • Engineering services. It leverages applied science expertise to design, develop, and optimize various systems and processes.
  • Data analytics. The process examines and interprets data to extract valuable insights and inform decision-making.
  • Cybersecurity solutions. This service implements online security technologies and measures to protect digital assets, networks, and sensitive information from cyber threats.
  • Cloud computing. This operation provides Internet computing resources, storage, and software services.
  • Web development. The activity generates and maintains online pages for web presence and user interaction.
  • Mobile app development. The process designs applications for mobile devices to meet the growing demand for wireless solutions.
  • Quality assurance and testing. It ensures the reliability and functionality of software applications through rigorous testing. 
  • IT consulting. The service provides expert advice and strategic guidance on optimizing IT infrastructure and implementing new technologies.
  • Network administration. It handles and sustains networks to ensure seamless communication and connectivity.
  • System integration. This service combines IT systems and software applications to work harmoniously.
  • Digital marketing services. This activity promotes products or services using digital channels such as social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and online advertising.

The Perks of Outsourcing IT Services to BPO Providers in Mexico

The Perks of Outsourcing IT Services to BPO Providers in Mexico

What is business process outsourcing (BPO) in the IT industry? BPO involves delegating non-core technical or IT operations to service providers in Mexico. This practice helps improve your company’s efficiency and cost-effectiveness and allows you to focus on core competencies.

BPO providers have the physical, digital, and human assets to manage the delegated IT tasks and assist your organization in raising performance, output, and revenue. They provide various services, including customer service, help desk, and technical support outsourcing.

Here are the advantages you can gain when outsourcing work to Mexico.

More in Sync With U.S. Time Zones for Better Timeliness and Performance

The significant time zone differences in offshore BPO can cause coordination issues. The Philippines, in particular, is 12–14 hours ahead of the U.S. In contrast, Mexico has minimal to zero time zone gaps. Most U.S. states align with the country’s time zone, differing by at most three hours. 

Consider the following time zone advantages when working with Mexico’s IT industry:

  • Greater work-life harmony. Third-party providers experience fewer health and mental risks (e.g., loneliness and burnout) than remote offshore staff working late-night or graveyard shifts.
  • Convenient meeting schedules. Coordinating meetings across different time zones can be challenging, leading to delays in sharing crucial project information. Scheduling online huddles with a nearshore team is more manageable.
  • Smoother interaction and teamwork. You collaborate and communicate better with the Mexican BPO team. A smaller time zone gap means fewer delays in replying to customer or client concerns, requests, or questions. 

Cultural Compatibility for Improved Client and Customer Relationships

Mexico and the U.S. share cultural ties, with many individuals having relatives and acquaintances on the other side of the border.

As such, technical professionals in the Mexico IT and BPO industries effortlessly interact with Americans, promoting strong customer relations through shared cultural understanding. This compatibility sets Mexico apart from its foreign competitors.

The following are some commonalities between the two countries:

  • History. Centuries after European colonization, Mexico and the U.S. annually celebrate their independence. Mexico celebrates freedom from Spain on September 16th, while the U.S. commemorates independence from the UK on July 4th.
  • Government system. Mexico and the U.S. share a federal system with a president as the head of state. A constitution governs the states that make up both countries.
  • Food. Americans like Mexican meals (e.g., enchiladas, burritos, quesadillas), whereas Mexicans enjoy U.S.-made foods (e.g., hot dogs, fries, burgers). 

Economical, Effective Workforce for Superior Investment Returns

Professionals in the Mexico IT and BPO industries have technical capabilities, communication skills, and education levels equivalent to those in its neighboring nations, Canada and the U.S. While local talent is on par with leading countries, labor costs are lower. 

According to Salary Expert, the typical annual base wage of a full-time IT technical support specialist in Mexico is MXN 506,314 or $23,625.08. IT support personnel in the U.S. cost about $52,164 annually. 

Based on these figures, a company can save $28,538.92 annually by hiring a Mexican tech support professional. This is an advantage that U.S. companies can leverage. The wage disparity saves the organization money while maintaining, if not improving, the performance and productivity of IT workers. 

Reduced Operating Costs to Boost Fund Allocation

Diminished operating expenses are one benefit of collaborating with companies in Mexico’s IT and BPO industries

When assigning processes to a nearshore BPO partner, the following cost savings can be realized:

  • Recruitment. Benefit from cost-effective hiring as the service provider manages recruitment processes, including advertising, candidate screening, assessment, and onboarding.
  • Salaries. Experience minimal or zero salary expenses. Regular employees receive fixed monthly wages and additional costs for income taxes, social security, health insurance, and holiday leaves, regardless of business conditions.
  • Upskilling. The third-party provider covers retraining and upskilling costs to ensure workers stay current with the latest practices. Upgrading knowledge and skills to meet new challenges entails additional spending on workshops and seminars.
  • Equipment, office supplies, and workspace. Reducing capital or investment expenses is an added benefit. Outsourcing secondary activities eliminates the need for the company to purchase computer systems, machinery, and other materials. The provider has the necessary resources.

Qualified Remote Teams for Optimal Productivity

Why outsource to Latin America (LatAm)? This region has productive and competent remote professionals for outsourced functions. When delegating processes to a BPO company in LatAm or a tech firm in Mexico’s IT industry, the team most often works from home (WFH) or in a hybrid work environment with a flexible schedule. 

Remote work eliminates time-consuming activities such as commuting. Virtual professionals can serve end users more efficiently without daily office reporting. WFH staff also ensure data protection by using private systems for remote access.

Increased WFH productivity and quicker service delivery are the benefits of outsourcing. The following factors contribute to a highly effective remote team:

  • Well-prepared WFH squad with the necessary devices for prompt and accurate task completion
  • Organized work structure for better employee conduct, workflow, and teamwork
  • Regular online meetings using reliable communication apps to monitor work status and progress
  • High data security to protect critical client and customer information from data breaches

Tips on Finding the Ideal BPO Partner in Mexico’s IT Industry

Tips on Finding the Ideal BPO Partner in Mexico’s IT Industry

The BPO industry in Mexico is diverse, and finding a suitable BPO provider can be challenging. Follow the insightful pointers below to locate your ideal outsourcing company:

  • Perform research and due diligence. Investigate potential service providers in Mexico’s IT industry. Evaluate the company’s reputation, experience, expertise, client testimonials, compliance with industry standards, and quality and security certifications. 
  • Define objectives. Outline outsourcing objectives and expectations. Identify needed IT services, including software development, application maintenance, infrastructure management, or technical support, for clear vendor communication.
  • Consider culture. Select BPO organizations with strong English proficiency and cultural alignment for effective communication and collaboration.
  • Know about legal and regulatory compliance. Understand Mexico’s legal requirements. Ensure your outsourcing partner complies with local laws, including data protection and intellectual property rights. Draft a comprehensive agreement for mutual protection, specifying responsibilities, deliverables, and dispute resolution mechanisms.
  • Visit potential partners. When possible, visit potential IT service providers’ Mexican headquarters. A firsthand look at their infrastructure, work environment, and critical personnel fosters trust and transparency, which are crucial for successful outsourcing partnerships.
  • Evaluate cost structures. Evaluate BPO pricing packages, considering hourly rates and the overall value proposition. Factor in the outsourcing partner’s quality of work, experience, and efficiency.
  • Assess technical skills and expertise. Check the potential BPO partner’s technical skills and expertise. Analyze their track record on similar projects, team qualifications, and ongoing training programs.
  • Start with a pilot project. Before a long-term commitment, begin with a small pilot project to learn about the outsourcing partner’s capabilities, work processes, and communication dynamics. It allows adjustments and ensures alignment before scaling up the collaboration.

The Bottom Line

Mexico’s IT industry is progressing. Government initiatives, a skilled workforce, and a favorable business environment drive the sector’s competitiveness. The market also offers various services. Outsource to benefit from the country’s synchronized time zones, cultural compatibility, and a cost-effective workforce. 

To find an ideal BPO partner in Mexico’s IT industry, thorough research, cultural alignment, legal compliance, on-site visits, and pilot projects are crucial.

Let’s connect if you want to learn more about Mexico’s IT industry and how you can benefit from it through outsourcing!

Picture of Rene Mallari
Rene Mallari considers himself a multipurpose writer who easily switches from one writing style to another. He specializes in content writing, news writing, and copywriting. Before joining Unity Communications, he contributed articles to online and print publications covering business, technology, personalities, pop culture, and general interests. He has a business degree in applied economics and had a brief stint in customer service. As a call center representative (CSR), he enjoyed chatting with callers about sports, music, and movies while helping them with their billing concerns. Rene follows Jesus Christ and strives daily to live for God.
Picture of Rene Mallari

Rene Mallari

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