Bilingual Virtual Assistants: 13 Reasons They Make Perfect Sense for Your Business

Explore the unique advantages of hiring bilingual virtual assistants from Mexico and Latin America. They excel in administrative, IT, and real estate tasks, making them ideal for businesses targeting English- and Spanish-speaking customers in the U.S. or Canada.
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Virtual assistants (VAs) in Mexico are remote professionals with different skills. Some VA functions are administrative, information technology (IT), and real estate tasks. 

What sets Mexican or Latino remote workers apart from their counterparts in other regions is that they provide VA services while speaking English and Spanish, two languages commonly used in business. Their language familiarity is advantageous when your business caters to English- and Spanish-speaking customers in the U.S. or Canada. 

This article discusses 13 reasons to hire bilingual virtual assistants from Mexico and Latin America (LatAm). Keep reading to discover more.

13 Reasons Bilingual Virtual Assistants Are Valuable to Your Business

Below are reasons why bilingual virtual assistants make perfect sense for your business.

1. Adjustable Workforce and Operations for Better Financial Management

Bilingual virtual assistants via a nearshore service provider enhance business value while minimizing costs. Depending on the current business demands or conditions, the service provider can scale the outsourced tasks up or down. 

Without adversely affecting your business processes, the third-party provider can increase or decrease the number of independent contractors or procedures. Scalability enables you to maximize corporate value while obtaining a reasonable—but not necessarily the lowest—cost.

See some further benefits of scalable operations:

  • Agility. The service provider assists you in managing unanticipated circumstances without disrupting administrative, help desk, or customer support functions. Your ability to remain resilient during adverse conditions improves with increased responsiveness.  
  • Cost efficiency. Another reason to recruit bilingual virtual assistants through service providers is that you can lower operating costs by securing the correct number of third-party staff required. The service provider also aids in determining the specific tasks necessary to boost output and efficiency.
  • Flexibility. The third-party provider can promptly and efficiently adjust your existing operations when assigning back-office functions, such as technical support outsourcing and administrative tasks. Greater adaptability increases market competitiveness.

2. Cost-effective and Productive Remote Workers

Mexico and other LatAm countries have accessible, high-caliber, and affordable third-party talent. Many bilingual virtual assistants in LatAm hold advanced degrees, exhibit adequate interpersonal skills, and carry technical credentials comparable to those of VAs from developed nations. 

Here are the average rates of VAs in Latin America’s leading outsourcing destinations vis-à-vis the U.S.:

Here are the average rates of VAs in Latin America’s leading outsourcing destinations vis-à-vis the U.S.:

Source: Upwork 

Note: For easy illustration, the average hourly salary for each nation is calculated by adding the low and high amounts and then dividing the sum by two. For instance, Brazil’s hourly rate ranges between $5 and $35. Therefore, $20 is the result of dividing $40 ($5 + $35) by two.

According to the data above, a VA in Brazil makes an average hourly wage of $20. In the U.S., they make $103. You save $83 ($103 less $20) hourly by delegating tasks to a bilingual virtual assistant from Brazil. Please be aware that the figures are estimates. Get actual costs by directly speaking with a business process outsourcing (BPO) company.

3. Effective Option to Address the Lack of Workers in the U.S. 

You can employ bilingual virtual assistants and other independent contractors from Latin America to help address the current U.S. labor shortage caused by the Great Resignation. The social and economic phenomenon started during the pandemic when millions of Americans voluntarily left their jobs. Over 71 million workers resigned between April 2021 and April 2022. 

American domestic industries are hardest hit by the mass exodus, resulting in substantial turnover and affecting employee morale, efficiency, and output. Labor scarcity also affects the production of goods and customer support, impacting sales and revenue.

Due to the challenges of employing local workers, American firms hire VAs in Latin America and Asia. According to a recent survey, three out of every four, or 73%, of firms in North America find hiring and maintaining workers tougher in 2021 than in 2020.

Service providers supply American businesses with VAs and other third-party professionals to help ease the overall labor shortage.

4. Enhanced Customer Experience (CX) 

Among the reasons to recruit bilingual virtual assistants is that they are skilled in consistently delivering exceptional customer and client service, with a keen understanding of language and culture for customer support. High CX is crucial since it helps you acquire committed and content consumers. A VA makes every interaction with a customer—from their initial purchase to post-sale support—better.

Think about the advantages of improved CX:

  • Greater customer satisfaction. Bilingual virtual assistants can provide favorable customer experiences to strengthen product or service loyalty. Happy buyers return to order more or purchase new ones.
  • Enhanced brand image. Excellent CX leads to more brand supporters and higher competitiveness. A good brand reputation also results in better market share.
  • Higher return on investment (ROI). Customer satisfaction boosts ROI because customers buy more. Loyal customers endorse your products or services to family members and friends.
  • Better customer insights. CX offers insights into customer behavior, attitude, and preferences. The third-party team gathers and analyzes the data to help develop or adjust strategies for a better buyer journey.
  • Lower ongoing expenses. Higher CX generates more sales and reduces operating costs. You are not required to spend more on advertising to attract new buyers.

5. Lower Operating Charges for More Accessible Funds

Lower Operating Charges for More Accessible Funds

Reduced operating costs are one benefit of hiring bilingual virtual assistants instead of assembling an internal crew.

Discover the cost reductions when contracting a third-party team to manage your back office and administrative tasks:

  • Hiring. Reduced recruitment expenses are one advantage of acquiring a BPO provider. It tackles all the tedious and costly hiring processes. The service provider handles job advertisements, applicant screening, testing, onboarding, training, and similar tasks. 
  • Remunerations. Another benefit of enlisting bilingual VAs through a BPO company is that clients can enjoy minimal or zero salary costs. The provider also shoulders other employee-related costs, such as sick leave and health insurance.
  • Skill enhancement and re-training. The service provider covers employee upskilling and retraining costs to keep VAs updated on best practices and working methods. You require a larger budget if you send them to workshops and classes for extra training.
  • Workspace, office furnishings, and tools. Diminished capital or investment spending is one reason to recruit bilingual virtual assistants. Delegating outsourced operations, including contact center as a service (CCaaS), the help desk, or customer support, implies the BPO provider will utilize its physical infrastructure and resources.

6. Minimal Organizational and Regulatory Liabilities

You should consider seeking help from a BPO provider to hire bilingual virtual assistants because it can lessen your management and legal obligations. Monitoring and adhering to different tax, labor, and governmental regulations is necessary when opening new branches abroad and recruiting full-time workers.

Using the LatAm service provider for VA services lowers the potential hazards or legal ramifications of hiring personnel directly, such as staff lawsuits and labor strikes. The BPO company addresses personnel-related problems and difficulties when outsourcing administrative and back-office tasks.

Other advantages of hiring VA services include

  • Expert personnel managers. The service provider employs skilled HR professionals to handle employee-related procedures and issues. They promote workplace harmony to raise output, morale, and performance.
  • Extensive reach across the talent base. Another reason to hire bilingual virtual assistants from Mexico and other LatAm nations via a BPO provider is their wide connection to an abundant talent supply. It can staff you with qualified professionals immediately.

7. Multiple Channels for Continuous Service 

The fluid communication across channels is one significant basis for hiring a virtual assistant from Mexico and other LatAm nations via a BPO provider. The service provider can supply communication solutions (voice, video, and text) bundled into a single platform for multifaceted engagement. Changing channels is convenient without interruptions. 

The most frequent communication modes include: 

  • Standard phones are conventional fixed-line telephones used to make and take calls. 
  • Email enables customers and third-party teams to transmit private electronic messages with attached images and files.
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony enables users to contact individuals or parties with a VoIP-powered phone and a broadband internet connection. They are pricier than standard phones but have better call quality.
  • Short message service (SMS) lets you send brief text messages to VAs or customers via mobile phones. Customers inquire by SMS and receive swift answers.  
  • A self-service portal is a web page that customers can use to resolve product or service issues without help from a VA. This website contains frequently asked questions (FAQs), tutorials, and articles.
  • Social media is a web-based communication tool that lets users publish ideas, feedback, and suggestions. LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter are popular social media platforms. 
  • Chatbots allow you to interact with sophisticated software via text or voice commands to ask common questions. 
  • Live chat is similar to a chatbot, except clients interact with a live agent. They submit inquiries through a small panel on your web page. VAs respond immediately.

8. Plenty of Skilled Workers to Provide Top-Notch Services

71 million workers resigned between April 2021 and April 2022, fueling the U.S. labor shortage amidst the Great Resignation—a social and economic trend that began in the pandemic. Source: Clutch

One good reason to obtain bilingual virtual assistants from Latin America is that the region has ample college-educated, capable, and energetic individuals. 

The continent’s education sector changed curricula to provide more accessible education and meet global business demand. It is home to world-renowned universities, including Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil), and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico).

Millennials and Generation Z also comprise most of LatAm’s considerable labor force. They are adept at using digital tools, social networks, computers, and online applications. These young professionals are also familiar with American workplace customs and job procedures.

Bilingual LatAm virtual assistants have the necessary technical abilities, soft skills, and educational degrees for delegated tasks. They have acquired vital skills over the years of working with BPO providers. These professionals are equipped with different skill sets to address needs such as: 

  • Back-office support  
  • Web development 
  • Administrative support
  • Basic bookkeeping
  • Customer service or support
  • Data entry
  • Social media management
  • Graphic design 
  • Basic (IT) knowledge 
  • Digital Marketing 
  • Email management 
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) 

9. English Proficiency

Bilingual virtual assistants from LatAm can communicate adequately in English, the region’s most widely spoken foreign language, which is an excellent basis for enlisting them. Millions of people in Latin America speak English with varying degrees of fluency.

Interacting and working with LatAm VAs is made simpler due to their English communication skills. Americans, Brits, and other Western clients and customers easily understand them. With minor language barriers, your VA team can smoothly discuss projects with you and assist your clients.

Additionally, the nearshore staff has an almost neutral English accent. Latin VAs converse in English with the same word stress and elevated speech as Spanish speakers. Their accent is often more understandable than that of English speakers on other continents. 

Due to their proximity and shared history, these VAs have a firm command of American English syntax and idioms. They can recognize the minor nuances in meaning between the words and phrases spoken by American clients. 

Bilingual virtual assistants fluent in English and Spanish can help build, enhance, and broaden client relations and the market base. Spanish speakers are in high demand by American businesses for data entry services and other outsourcing tasks.

10. Productive Remote VAs

Improved productivity is a primary motivation to hire bilingual virtual assistants from Latin America (or other regions) through a BPO company. A service provider delegated duties to distant VA teams with flexible schedules in work-from-home (WFH) or hybrid work environments.

WFH staff can focus more on work when they no longer worry about time-consuming duties, such as setting aside no less than an hour for pre-work activities and commuting to and from the physical office.

Delivering faster and more efficient service is another reason to hire bilingual virtual assistants from a BPO provider. Here are some factors resulting in higher remote work productivity: 

  • Tight data protection. Remote workers harness virtual private networks (VPNs) and antivirus programs to defend vital company, customer, and client data from hackers and other unauthorized users.
  • Structured remote work. Another reason to recruit bilingual virtual assistants from a BPO provider is its strict but fair WFH procedures. It executes these measures to keep staff collaboration, output, and efficiency within expectations. 
  • Regular online meetings. The third-party team often meets to track work status and task progress.
  • Frequent communication software use. Bilingual virtual assistants mainly utilize software for synchronizing interactions. Examples include Skype, Slack, Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams.
  • Well-outfitted VA team. The service provider equips the VA teams with needed computers, hardware, and software systems to help deliver tasks effectively. 

11. Cultural Relevance to the U.S.

LatAm nations share cultural affinities with the U.S., which is one motivation for hiring bilingual virtual assistants from this region. Many Americans visit these countries for business and pleasure. Similarly, millions of Hispanic immigrants now reside in the U.S.

These nations have the same cultural backgrounds in:

  • History. LatAm countries (e.g., Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina) and the U.S. were European colonies. Each country officially celebrates freedom from foreign rule by declaring a national holiday.
  • Geography. These nations feature huge landmasses, lengthy coasts, and an ethnically varied population. 
  • Government system. Federal and presidential systems are applied in LatAm nations and the U.S., with the president serving as the head of state and commander in chief. 
  • Food. LatAm cuisine (e.g., pastels, empanadas, and burritos) is popular with Americans. Latinos also frequently consume burgers, hot dogs, and other American-produced foods.

Businesses tap the services of bilingual LatAm virtual assistants for their cultural connection, making it a good place to outsource. These VAs are assured, well-informed, and persuasive when speaking with Americans. Latino VAs can engage in exciting dialogue that improves and deepens client relationships, giving them an advantage over their rivals.

12. Stronger Data Compliance and Security

Stronger Data Compliance and Security

One motivation to obtain bilingual virtual assistants through a BPO provider is to prevent costly fines. The service provider assists you in keeping up with regulatory requirements and industry-accepted standards. Failure to comply can lead to lawsuits, penalties, reputational harm, and other legal and financial consequences.

The third-party provider monitors industry-specific and general laws such as: 

  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European law regarded as the world’s most stringent data privacy regulation. Even renowned companies face stiff penalties because of GDPR violations.
  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) compels the healthcare industry (medical businesses, providers, and practitioners) to secure patient data from unlawful use.
  • The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requires organizations to process credit card details strictly. It maintains tight cardholder data management policies to reduce credit card fraud, theft, and scams.

13. Suitable Work Hours for a More Convenient Work Schedule

One reason to employ bilingual virtual assistants from Mexico and other LatAm nations is the minimal or zero time zone gap with the U.S. While certain U.S. states and LatAm countries share the same time zone, others only have up to a four-hour time difference. 

So when your in-house workers in Arizona start work at 8 a.m. and clock out at 5 p.m., your VA team in Argentina should clock in at 4 a.m. and end at 1 p.m. Arizona is four hours behind Brazil. You and the BPO team work with a small time discrepancy.

Here are some perks of working with a minimal or zero time zone difference:

  • Easier scheduling of appointments. Online meetings are simpler to schedule. Arranging meetings when the VA is in a different time zone is tricky. 
  • Work-life balance. Remote offshore teams working graveyard shifts are more susceptible to sickness and mental fatigue, while nearshore VAs likely experience these conditions less. 
  • Enhanced collaboration and communication. Interacting and coordinating with your nearshore staff is more convenient and reduces delays. 

The Bottom Line

Obtaining VA services from Latin America can lead to different advantages. Aside from the abovementioned benefits, you can acquire third-party LatAm professionals ready to work on outsourced tasks anytime.

Regardless of the size and industry of your business, you will benefit from hiring bilingual VAs to manage particular activities. They can help you save resources compared to doing tasks personally. If it is your first time, hire one VA, then add more if necessary.

Let’s connect if you want to learn more about bilingual virtual assistants in Mexico.

Picture of Rene Mallari
Rene Mallari considers himself a multipurpose writer who easily switches from one writing style to another. He specializes in content writing, news writing, and copywriting. Before joining Unity Communications, he contributed articles to online and print publications covering business, technology, personalities, pop culture, and general interests. He has a business degree in applied economics and had a brief stint in customer service. As a call center representative (CSR), he enjoyed chatting with callers about sports, music, and movies while helping them with their billing concerns. Rene follows Jesus Christ and strives daily to live for God.
Picture of Rene Mallari

Rene Mallari

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