Scalability and Innovation: Why Outsource Software Development

The software market is projected to hit $898.90 billion by 2028, pushing companies to enhance in-house development. To meet this demand, many are turning to BPO for cost-effective access to specialized skills. Learn about BPO's benefits and strategies for effective outsourcing.
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The technology industry thrives on innovation and growth. In fact, the software market will reach $898.90 billion in volume by 2028. This pressures companies to boost their in-house development efforts, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

This is why software firms and entrepreneurs increasingly turn to business process outsourcing (BPO). This cost-effective strategy allows access to the specialized skills and technologies necessary to stay adaptable in such an evolving market.

Keep reading to learn about the advantages of outsourcing software development. This article also explores BPO’s role in promoting innovation and growth in your business and the strategies you can employ to ensure successful outsourcing initiatives.

The case with outsourcing and software development

The case with outsourcing and software development

What is BPO? It is the practice of delegating specific business processes to an external service provider. Outsourcing services encompass various non-core functions, such as software engineering

Performing software development in-house involves hiring and training developers and purchasing and maintaining technologies. Outsourcing allows you to access the skilled professionals and state-of-the-art systems of a third-party BPO vendor without significant investment. 

The software market experiences a 5.01% compound annual growth rate. By strategically leveraging BPO, you have a powerful tool to innovate and scale your operations alongside it. You can harness external expertise to propel your company in the dynamic landscape.

Advantages of outsourcing software development

Outsourcing software development overcomes the limitations of an in-house team. As a strategic game-changer, it unlocks a wealth of benefits that fuel growth and foster creative problem-solving.

Access to the latest technologies

Outsourcing allows you to tap into a powerhouse of expertise and the resources that fuel it. BPO companies are at the forefront of advancements, including cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain, necessary for software development.

Today’s landscape is driven by these innovations. In fact, 87% of global cloud decision-makers and users have invested in a multi-cloud strategy, while 48% intend to use machine learning (ML) or AI. A BPO partnership ensures you have access to these cutting-edge technologies that are becoming the industry standard.

BPO development teams effectively leverage these tools for peak efficiency and functionality. With this critical competitive edge, your products stay ahead of the curve.

Cost-effective development solutions

The high cost of maintaining an in-house development team can weaken a growing company. Outsourcing software development unlocks significant cost savings. 

Imagine the savings: salaries, benefits, and infrastructure—all significantly reduced. You eliminate the need for expensive recruitment drives, lengthy training programs, and hefty infrastructure investments.

BPO partners typically operate in cost-effective locations, such as in Asia or Eastern Europe. According to Outsource Accelerator, companies outsourcing to the Philippines can save up to 70% of labor costs. 

They also leverage efficient development processes, which further reduce development costs. With substantial savings, you can allocate more resources to core business functions, reinvest in research and development to fuel further innovation, or explore new market opportunities.

Scalability and flexibility in projects

Having a development team that seamlessly adjusts to your needsthis is the power of outsourcing. Unlike a long-term, fixed-size in-house team, BPO offers inherent scalability and flexibility capabilities. 

Need to ramp up resources for a complex mobile app with cutting-edge features? The BPO company brings in additional developers with expertise in the latest mobile frameworks. Scaling down during maintenance phases? The outsourcing team can revert to its original size to focus on critical bug fixes instead.

You can also easily engage specialists for specific tasks. If you need a UI/UX designer to craft a user-friendly interface for a new feature, your BPO partner can connect you with the right talent.

Outsourcing allows you to seamlessly scale up or down to respond to market changes and demand fluctuations. It ensures you have the right resources at the right time without unnecessary overhead costs. 

Faster time to market

Speed is king in today’s tech landscape, and outsourcing software development offers a powerful weapon: significantly faster time to market. By leveraging an existing team of seasoned developers, you bypass the time-consuming process of recruitment and onboarding. 

Outsourcing companies also have established development methodologies and streamlined workflows that can expedite the product development process. As such, you can get your product or service to market faster, capitalize on emerging trends before competitors, and gain a critical first-mover advantage.

Focus on core business functions

As a tech company, your core expertise lies in conceptualizing, strategizing, and driving the vision for your product. Outsourcing frees you and your internal team from back-office burdens so you can focus on these core competencies. 

According to Deloitte, 65% of companies perceived increased focus on core business functions as a reason for outsourcing. With development covered, you can dedicate more time to strategizing your product roadmap, crafting winning marketing campaigns, building strong customer relationships, and enhancing other areas that directly impact your value proposition. 

This focused approach optimizes internal operations, ensures your team plays to their strengths, and leads to a more well-rounded and effective overall strategy.

Expertise and specialized skills

Software’s success rests on the shoulders of its developers. However, many software development companies need help finding and retaining top talent, especially for specialized skills such as ML or blockchain. This is where outsourcing shines.

Outsourcing offers access to a global talent pool with diverse skill sets and niche expertise. You can engage developers with experience in specific areas, such as cloud computing, AI, or any other technology suitable to what your project requires

This advantage fosters innovation and allows you to develop cutting-edge solutions beyond what’s possible with limited internal resources. Your projects benefit from the best minds in the field, unlocking a world of possibilities.

Risk management and quality assurance

Concerns about quality control are expected when considering outsourcing. However, reputable outsourcing partners prioritize these aspects. They employ stringent quality assurance (QA) processes and methodologies to ensure your projects meet the highest standards. 

This is the reason almost all companies claim to have improved quality code after outsourcing software development. BPO teams perform continuous testing throughout the development lifecycle, minimizing bugs and delivering polished final products.

But that’s not all. Outsourcing firms also have established risk management protocols. They proactively identify and mitigate potential challenges throughout the development lifecycle, safeguarding your project. 

Lastly, BPO teams work with diverse clients and projects, allowing them to gain valuable insight that can benefit your specific needs. This comprehensive approach minimizes risks and ensures your project is delivered on time, within budget, and without compromising quality—giving you peace of mind and a successful project outcome.

Innovation and creative solutions

Let’s move beyond efficiency and delve into what makes outsourcing truly powerful: innovation. A fresh perspective can be a powerful driver of innovation, and a diverse and talented development team acts as a catalyst for fresh ideas. 

Outsourcing partners often bring a global perspective, a wealth of experience, and a wide range of skill sets. This “cross-pollination” of ideas fosters creative problem-solving and leads to innovative solutions that elevate your software’s functionality and user experience.

Additionally, some outsourcing firms have dedicated innovation labs that can help you develop a truly unique and groundbreaking product. Such a partner gives you access to the potential to create a unique and industry-disrupting product. Outsourcing doesn’t just deliver efficient development; it unlocks creative possibilities.

Ensuring a successful outsourcing partnership

Ensuring a successful outsourcing partnership

Building an in-house tech team can be expensive and time-consuming. Outsourcing software development offers a smarter alternative. This approach lets you tap into a global labor pool and the latest tech, all at a lower cost. 

But before you can maximize such advantages, you must first lay the groundwork for a successful outsourcing partnership. Below are strategies you can implement throughout the BPO engagement:

1. Define your roadmap: Setting the stage for success

Clearly define your outsourcing needs and goals. This roadmap will guide your partner in understanding your vision and delivering your desired outcomes. Factors to consider include:

  • Project Scope: Determine the features, functionalities, and other key aspects of your software project that you need help with.
  • Technical Expertise: Identify the specific skill sets required for development, such as cloud computing and blockchain.
  • Budget: Determine a realistic budget for development and ongoing maintenance.
  • Timeline: Establish a clear timeline for project completion, including milestones and deadlines.

2. Finding the perfect fit: Partner selection

With a clear roadmap, you can begin choosing the ideal outsourcing partner. Evaluate BPO vendors based on the following criteria:

  • Experience and Reputation: Research potential outsourcing firms, focusing on their experience in your industry and reputation among previous clients.
  • Communication and Culture: Look for a partner with clear communication practices, aligned work cultures, and a willingness to understand your vision.
  • Security and Quality Assurance: Ensure the firm has robust data security measures and established QA processes to deliver a high-quality product.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Choose an outsourcing partner that can adapt to your project’s evolving needs and scale resources as required.

3. Building a collaborative partnership: Effective communication and management

Once you’ve selected an outsourcing partner, your focus must shift to establishing a strong foundation for collaboration. Communication and management drive the effectiveness of your outsourced operations. Here are essential practices to employ:

  • Clear Communication Channels: Establish clear communication channels and designate points of contact for both teams.
  • Project Management Tools: Utilize tools to ensure transparency, track progress, and collaborate effectively.
  • Regular Progress Updates: Schedule regular meetings to receive updates on development progress and address any concerns.
  • Change Management Process: Define a straightforward process for handling project scope changes or feature additions.

4. Legal considerations: Protecting your interests

Abiding by the regulatory and legal considerations in BPO is essential in safeguarding your interests. Outsourcing partnerships are prone to risks, and noncompliance may result in hefty fines and reputational harm. To avoid them, make sure to check on the factors:

  • Contract Terms: Carefully review the outsourcing contract before inking your BPO deals. Focus on intellectual property (IP) ownership, payment terms, and termination clauses.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): Ensure both parties have signed NDAs to protect confidential information.
  • Data Security Regulations: Understand and comply with any data security regulations applicable to your project. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are some examples.

5. Monitoring progress: Adapting strategies for success

A successful outsourcing partnership hinges on continuous monitoring and careful evaluation. Here’s how to stay on track:

  • Performance Metrics: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress and measure the partnership’s success.
  • Regular Reviews: Conduct reviews regularly to assess the quality of work, communication effectiveness, and overall project alignment.
  • Adapting the Partnership: Be prepared to adjust the partnership based on project progress, market changes, or evolving requirements.

6. The right engagement model: Choosing the path to success

Selecting a suitable engagement model is crucial for a successful outsourcing experience. This framework defines the working relationship between your company and the outsourcing vendor throughout the project lifecycle. Common engagement models are:

  • Fixed-Price Model: This is ideal for projects with well-defined requirements and a fixed scope. The total cost for development is agreed upon upfront, providing predictability and budget certainty.
  • Time and Material Model: This model offers greater flexibility for projects with evolving requirements or uncertain timelines. You are billed based on the time and resources the development team spends.
  • Dedicated Team Model: This model provides a dedicated developers team working exclusively on your project. This fosters a strong working relationship and an in-depth understanding of your project needs.

The best engagement model for your project depends on your specific requirements, budget, and risk tolerance. Discuss these factors with potential outsourcing partners to determine the most suitable approach.

Case studies and proven results

Case studies and proven results

Outsourcing offers more than efficiency; it fosters creative problem-solving and operational scalability. Many organizations have leveraged outsourcing in their formative years and achieved remarkable results that positioned them for success.  

Read on and get inspired by the success stories of today’s industry leaders:


Early outsourcing fueled Slack’s meteoric rise. Facing startup resource constraints, it tapped a global talent pool via external development partners. This approach unlocked access to skilled professionals, accelerating product development and facilitating rapid iteration cycles. 

Beyond talent acquisition, outsourcing offered significant cost efficiencies. Slack reduced upfront investments and reallocated resources, fostering innovation and maintaining a competitive edge. This strategy contributed to solidifying the company’s position as a $27 billion leader in business communication.


Early technical hurdles threatened to stall Skype’s innovative vision. The Danish and Swedish founders, recognizing the need for additional expertise, outsourced back-end development to Estonian IT specialists. 

The Estonian team enhanced Skype with improved messaging, file transfers, and free video chat, revolutionizing communication when long-distance calls were costly. This innovation fueled growth to over 4 billion users by 2010 and prompted Microsoft to buy Skype for $8.5 billion from eBay, which acquired it for $2.5 billion in 2005.

The bottom line

Outsourcing software development fuels business growth and innovation. This approach grants access to top talent, cutting-edge technologies, and cost-effective solutions designed to streamline your development process. Embracing this strategy allows you to maximize these benefits to unleash your full business potential.

Ready to take the next step? Let’s connect so we can guide you on how to get started with outsourcing. Unity Communications is an award-winning BPO partner that offers adaptable solutions.

Picture of Cherry Joy Robles
Cherry Joy Robles is a versatile writer with a rich background in journalism and customer service. She began her career in college as a desk editor for a community paper while studying journalism. She transitioned to the BPO industry after graduation and then to freelancing, which focused on ESL writing tutorials. The pandemic reignited her passion for writing, leading her back to content creation. Outside of her professional life, Joy enjoys spending time with her family, caring for her seven cats, and managing her own real estate team, specializing in selling properties across the Philippines.
Picture of Cherry Joy Robles

Cherry Joy Robles

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