Why Customer Experience Matters and How Call Center Outsourcing in the Philippines Helps

Stand out with exceptional customer experiences in a competitive landscape. Drive growth, engagement, and loyalty through dynamic interactions. Discover why positive customer experience (CX)matters and how offshore outsourcing can help your business.
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Companies must offer a satisfactory customer experience along with quality service and products. After all, consumers are central to business strategies. Properly managing customer experience should be a top priority for any organization.

Tapping into an offshoring provider in the Philippines helps improve customers’ experience, satisfaction, and loyalty. It also boosts your sales rate.

This article discusses the importance of customer experience to your business. It also covers how call center outsourcing to the Philippines helps enhance buyers’ journey.

Importance of Providing a Positive Customer Experience

Importance of Providing a Positive Customer Experience

A positive customer experience (CX) lets your business stand out, even as more brands become readily available and the competition for consumer attention tightens.

Businesses that aim to drive growth and enhance customer engagement, acquisition, and loyalty must develop ways to deliver exceptional experiences. Nowadays, consumer interactions must be dynamic.

Below are more reasons a positive CX matters.

Turn Shoppers Into Loyal Customers

A superior CX is a unique and valuable asset for any brand. Shoppers are more likely to continue doing business with you if you provide an impressive experience.

Did you know getting new customers is seven times more expensive than maintaining existing ones? Keeping existing consumers happy with an excellent CX pays off, and it is only a matter of time before you reap the benefits.

But what happens if customers are dissatisfied?

If customers are unhappy about an encounter with your brand, the key is to address and respond to complaints. The efficiency of your customer service agents and contact center as a service (CCaaS) solution is crucial in instilling brand loyalty.

How you respond to dissatisfied customers influences what they think of you. The best way to manage dissatisfaction is by responding politely and assuring customers you are trying to find the best solution to their problems. If a brand handles customer problems properly, 95% of these consumers will do business with it again despite having a bad experience.  

Give You Loyal Brand Advocates

Customers who have positive experiences with your brand are more likely to recommend your products to others. Word of mouth and customer advocacy are very powerful tools. According to ClickZ, 84% of consumers do not trust advertisements; they want third-party validation when buying online.

Creating an exceptional CX and going above and beyond when serving clients help you turn each shopper into a brand advocate. Engaging buyers, recommending your brand to others, and reinforcing loyalty are easier with advocate and user-generated content.

One brand that understands the power of customer advocacy is Lululemon. It asks customers to post photos on Instagram wearing its activewear. This campaign works because it is built from the brand’s active community, showing that existing shoppers support the company and that its clothes are ideal for casual use and exercise.

Leverage a customer-centric strategy. Partner with a business process outsourcing (BPO) company to turn existing customers into brand advocates and stand out.

Help You Stand Out 

Getting the public’s attention is harder when competitors post great content. A personalized CX can be a real competitive advantage for your business. 

According to Dell’s former Chief Intelligence Officer Jerry Gregoire, “Customer experience is the next competitive battleground.” This means prices and products are not the only brand differentiators; there are also user experience and service.

Customer reviews are crucial. Ninety-five percent of customers check feedback before purchasing a product. If potential buyers cannot easily read about other people’s experiences with your brand, they will buy products from more reliable businesses. 

Keep Trust in Client Relationships

How do you create strong and long-lasting client relationships when there are hundreds of brands and ads online? An excellent CX and personalized content are the answers.

Giving customers a special and unique experience lets them know you value and care for them. This step gives you a better chance of instilling trust and building long-term relationships.

CX is the key to success, and it starts with effective customer support. Outsource tech solutions now so that you can efficiently address client concerns, manage reviews, have a well-maintained engagement platform, and provide an exceptional experience to all shoppers.

How Philippine Call Center Outsourcing Affects Customer Experience

How Philippine Call Center Outsourcing Affects Customer Experience

The Philippine BPO industry is known for its effective data entry services, back-office solutions, and IT skills. Studies show that outsourcing call center services to the Philippines reduces operational overhead by 70%. Philippine customer service outsourcing also offers numerous benefits that improve customer experience.

Improved Personalization

One-size-fits-all solutions are long gone. Modern customers want brands to meet their expectations, demands and wants throughout their experiences. Research from Infosys suggests that personalization influences purchase decisions.

Personalization involves encouraging follow-up orders using promos and discounts and giving clients unique offers based on previous purchases or interactions.

One perk of partnering with a back-office outsourcing provider is that it quickly adapts to consumer demands. From a contact center’s perspective, this means:

  • Tracking the complete history of a ticket or service request,
  • Checking previous purchases and other customer information,
  • Accessing customer interactions or message threads,
  • Sending marketing emails,
  • Making customer service quick and seamless, and
  • Setting up automated chatbots

Round-the-clock Availability

You can provide 24/7 customer support by leveraging time zone differences in offshore BPO destinations such as the Philippines. You can assign a team to work during business hours and off-hours. This way, you save money while ensuring customers always have a friendly agent to turn to in case of problems.

The call center industry is a major player in the Philippine economy. Hence, the population widely accepts night and weekend shifts to accommodate foreign BPO clients. Whether it be contact center or technical support outsourcing, the Philippines is your go-to destination for quality service.

Integrated Client Self-service Options

Shoppers might prefer self-service options when interacting with a brand. Some would rather try to solve the problem themselves before contacting a support agent.

Self-service options are beneficial because clients sometimes have basic questions. A knowledge base, a dynamic frequently asked questions (FAQs) page, or an automated customer support bot help quickly and seamlessly address 70% of customer questions. They minimize the number of tickets received so that agents can focus on complex issues. 

Partnering with a BPO provider can help you deploy chatbots and populate training phrases. Chatbots serve as the first level of support. They can escalate the ticket to a customer service representative if necessary.

Enhanced Omnichannel Support

Customers often unknowingly switch between websites, social media, and mobile or desktop support channels. That is why creating an omnichannel customer journey is the key to enhancing customer engagement. Brands must invest in and establish a robust presence on the platforms consumers frequent. 

Having omnichannel support for a better customer experience is more than just setting up platforms. The channels must have a strong connection with each other. That way, you can deliver a smooth and synchronous customer experience that enables conversion, good reviews, engagement, and revenue growth.

An innovative omnichannel solution lets you connect with shoppers and resolve their problems faster. Outsourcing call center services to the Philippines means you get integrated customer support across the channels your clients use. You can handle queries as they come while giving customers easy options to connect with your brand.

Additionally, letting consumers choose their preferred channel allows for a more personalized encounter with your brand.

The Bottom Line

Businesses need more than quality products and services to retain customers in today’s extremely competitive global market. They must deliver an exceptional CX with individualized interactions and fast responses.

Customers want to feel valued and know that brands recognize their concerns, needs, and desires. Keep shoppers happy by giving them access to responsive, helpful, and caring customer service agents.

Call center outsourcing to the Philippines is an excellent solution because the country is home to many skilled, English-proficient, and accommodating customer support representatives. 

Picture of Allie Delos Santos
Allie Delos Santos is an experienced content writer who graduated cum laude with a degree in mass communications. She specializes in writing blog posts and feature articles. Her passion is making drab blog articles sparkle. Allie is an avid reader—with a strong interest in magical realism and contemporary fiction. When she is not working, she enjoys yoga and cooking.
Picture of Allie Delos Santos

Allie Delos Santos

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