Elevating Patient Care Through Customized Outsourcing Solutions

Boost your healthcare mission with our BPO solutions! Prioritize patient well-being with streamlined efficiency.

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We Help Your Medical Organization Improve Patient Outcomes

Streamline your medical practice’s operations with our claims processing services, ensuring faster reimbursement and reduced administrative burden.

Simplify member enrollment and verify eligibility effortlessly with our services, freeing up your staff’s time to focus on patient care.

Enhance provider relations and support with our dedicated services, fostering stronger partnerships for better patient outcomes.

Optimize patient care and satisfaction by outsourcing appointment scheduling, ensuring seamless booking and improved accessibility for your practice.

Elevate your healthcare customer service experience, providing prompt assistance and resolution to patient inquiries with our specialized support.

Maximize your revenue flow with our revenue cycle management services, ensuring efficient billing and timely reimbursements for your medical practice.

Ensure accurate and compliant billing with our medical billing and coding services, minimizing errors and maximizing revenue.

Save time and resources with our medical transcription services, effortlessly converting patient notes into accurate electronic records.

Keep your practice’s IT infrastructure running smoothly with our healthcare IT support services, ensuring secure and efficient operations.

Streamline your data management processes with our medical data entry and management services, maintaining organized and accessible patient information.

Why Work With Us


Our healthcare BPO clients save an average of $15 million each year by working with Unity Communications.


Our intelligent automation processes achieve almost 100 percent transactional and financial accuracy.


Support for your medical practice so that your patients can always rely on getting the help they need when they need it most.


Skilled professionals. Tailored for practices of any size, we deliver unparalleled efficiency and excellence at an affordable cost.

In a world where healthcare complexity is a constant challenge, at Unity  Communications, we’re committed to transforming healthcare with innovative solutions that enhance patient access and affordability.

Our expertise lies in creating seamless operational workflows that allow healthcare providers to focus on what they do best – caring for patients.

Our goal is to ensure that every healthcare interaction is enriched by our technology, expertise, and compassion!

Schedule a Meeting

To best serve your medical practice, please schedule a 30-minute call with our CEO today.

Focus on Your Patients’ Health While We Take Care of the Rest!

With Unity Communications, you're not just gaining additional resources for managing your medical business. You're gaining a robust support system that empowers your medical practice to thrive while you remain focused on your patients' well-being.

Your Dedicated Medical BPO Team Includes:

  • Dedicated Managers and Team Leads
  • Omnichannel Support
  • Real-time Reporting and Analytics
  • Customized Training Programs
  • Tailored Workflow Integration
  • 24/7 Operational Support
  • Secure Remote Workstation Access
  • Comprehensive Compliance Monitoring
  • Legal Employment Compliance

Redefine Healthcare Services with Unity Communications

With over 15 years of experience and a dedicated team of 500+ healthcare professionals, Unity Communications is your trusted partner in revolutionizing healthcare processes and enhancing patient experiences.

Transparent Pricing, No Surprises

With Unity Communications, you get clear, fixed pricing. Whether you're paying one employee or a hundred through our platform, our fee is a straightforward flat rate per employee.

Top Employee Benefits Around the Globe

Our partner network offers cutting-edge services, including onboarding and local employment benefits. Unity Communications ensures your team gets the best employees in the Philippines and Mexico.

Seamless Integration

Use our cutting-edge technologies to integrate communication systems seamlessly within your practice, ensuring efficient collaboration and coordination.

Patient-Centric Approach

Prioritize patient satisfaction with our solutions to enhance their experience, from appointment scheduling to post-care follow-ups.

Decades of Global Expertise

Unity Communications has developed a deep understanding of global employment, helping you avoid legal and compliance issues that can arise when managing international teams.

Data Security

We take data security seriously. Your account and tools on Unity Communications are built on secure foundations, meeting the highest data security standards.

Interested in Outsourcing Your Healthcare Processes to Unity Communications?

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01Get In Touch

Schedule a 30-minute call with our founder & CEO

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02Get a Proposal

We’ll identify your needs and provide a proposal in less than 3 days.

Outsourcing process - Meet & greet your new team

03Meet & Greet Your New Team

We’ll get your entire team onboarded and ready to start working for you in less than 30 days.

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The Benefits of Outsourcing for the Healthcare Industry

1. Increased cost savings to enhance revenue

Delegating healthcare providers’ non-core tasks to business process outsourcing  (BPO) companies reduces expenses and improves resource allocation for better income performance. 

According to the latest Black Book Market Research healthcare industry report, 55% of hospitals and 79% of physician organizations surveyed expected to lose money in 2023. Outsourcing to third-party vendors is considered a 2024 remedy, promising double-digit cost reductions ranging from 27% to 64%.

Explore the advantages of cost savings in detail:

  • Decreased labor costs. Outsourcing administrative healthcare tasks such as medical coding and billing cuts employee expenditures. By hiring BPO providers, organizations benefit from lower-cost regions while saving on full-time staff salaries, benefits, and turnover costs.

  • Accessible economies of scale. Outsourcing leverages specialized providers’ economies of scale, spreading fixed costs across multiple clients for lower per-unit costs. BPO firms can also access volume discounts, further reducing expenses for healthcare organizations.

  • Predictable expenses. Outsourcing in healthcare typically entails fixed or consistent pricing, ensuring cost predictability and budgeting ease. In-house staff costs can be more variable due to factors such as overtime and fluctuating workloads.

  • Reduced infrastructure spending. Outsourcing cuts healthcare infrastructure costs such as expensive equipment and software licenses. For instance, cloud-based information technology (IT) services negate on-site hardware needs. Similarly, outsourcing transcription yields savings by removing dedicated equipment.

2. Specialized expertise to boost patient care

Outsourcing enables healthcare organizations to capitalize on the BPO provider’s knowledge and skills in specific areas that might not be available internally. These include IT services, medical coding, billing, and other revenue cycle management (RCM) processes.  

Consider the perks of accessing specialized expertise: 

  • Medical coding and billing proficiency. Outsourced coding and billing offer healthcare providers access to experts skilled in complex regulations. BPO companies stay current on laws and ensure precise billing processes, reducing claim denials and boosting revenue.
  • Advanced IT solutions. BPO partners are well-versed in using healthcare-specific software and systems, including electronic health record (EHR) platforms, cybersecurity standards, and telemedicine systems. This expertise ensures healthcare providers effectively use advanced technology for better patient care and operational efficiency.
  • Specialized medical transcription services. Outsourcing medical transcription tasks allows healthcare organizations to access BPO professionals skilled in transcribing medical dictations accurately and efficiently. They are trained in medical terminology to ensure complete, error-free patient records. 
  • Clinical support services. Delegating clinical support functions, including telemedicine or remote monitoring, connects medical organizations with providers specializing in virtual care solutions. The BPO partners’ experience in telehealth expands service offerings to reach remote or underserved patients.

3. Improved efficiency for streamlined healthcare operations

Subcontracting secondary functions to BPO organizations optimizes the healthcare providers’ operations and boosts productivity for enhanced patient care delivery and organizational effectiveness.

Examine the advantages of improved efficiency in depth: 

  • Streamlined processes. BPO partners can leverage their expertise and experience to streamline medical transcription, coding, and billing, resulting in faster turnaround time, reduced errors, and improved overall efficiency.
  • Reduced time to market. Healthcare outsourcing can accelerate the implementation of new initiatives or projects using external knowledge and resources. Faster time to market allows medical firms to remain ahead of the competition, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and provide value to patients swiftly.
  • Continuous improvement. Outsourcing partnerships often involve service-level agreements (SLAs) that outline performance metrics and expectations. SLAs drive constant improvement and innovation as providers seek to exceed expectations. This culture enhances service quality and patient outcomes over time.
  • Quick access to innovation. Healthcare organizations can allocate time and funds to exploring and adopting innovative solutions by streamlining operations. Access to cutting-edge advancements enhances service quality and patient outcomes.
  • Better resource allocation. Enhanced efficiency through outsourcing enables healthcare organizations to ease administrative burdens. Thus, they can allocate funds and personnel more strategically, optimizing budget utilization and directing resources toward high-quality patient care and service.

4. Scalable processes for optimized cost management

Outsourcing firms can provide scalability to medical providers. They can adjust their resources, such as personnel or infrastructure, to accommodate healthcare clients’ changing demands or task volumes without hiring or laying off staff. 

Probe into the positive impact of scalable processes:

  • Responsive to fluctuating demand. Whether facing an unexpected spike in patient volume or requiring specific expertise, healthcare organizations can quickly acquire third-party professionals and resources to fill their gaps without the delays of hiring and training internal workers.
  • Flexible service agreements. Flexible arrangements allow healthcare firms to adjust the scope and scale of outsourced services as needed. Including provisions for scaling services based on patient volume, seasonality, or project requirements allows medical organizations to adapt swiftly without long-term commitments.
  • Cost-effective scaling. Healthcare organizations can engage BPO partners as required, paying solely for their skills and resources rather than incurring the costs of employing and training full-time staff. This strategy enables medical providers to reduce operating costs while remaining flexible.
  • Low overstaffing risk. Outsourcing enables medical firms to avoid excessive staffing during periods of weak demand, reducing the risk of wasted resources and unnecessary expenses while maintaining flexibility and responsiveness.
  • Improved budget predictability. Scalability enhances budget predictability by allowing healthcare companies to align costs with demand, thus optimizing resource allocation and reducing the financial uncertainties associated with fluctuating operational needs.

5. High quality and accuracy of tasks for service reliability

Outsourcing can heighten the precision and reliability of healthcare tasks or processes (e.g., medical transcription or data management). This capability results primarily in higher standards for service delivery and accuracy. 

Look into the favorable effects of high-quality and accurate tasks:

  • Specialized services. Outsourcing provides access to technical expertise and services specific to healthcare organizations. For instance, delegating medical transcription ensures precise patient data recording by experts. Third-party professionals enhance accuracy, contributing to higher-quality documentation and improving patient care.
  • Stringent quality standards. BPO providers adhere to strict standards and industry best practices to maintain credibility. Partnering with BPO firms with proven accuracy and compliance enhances process integrity and data accuracy. Thus, healthcare providers benefit significantly from outsourcing tasks such as medical coding and billing. 
  • Ongoing training and development. Service providers invest in continuous education to ensure personnel retain their skills and competence in their respective sectors, resulting in high-quality service for healthcare clients. As a result, healthcare institutions can access the top workforce by using the training resources of their BPO partners.
  • Quality assurance procedures. BPO vendors implement robust processes to monitor and improve service quality. These include audits, evaluations, and feedback mechanisms, ensuring SLA compliance. Partnering with providers helps healthcare organizations maintain high service standards.

6. Accessible technologies to keep pace with competition

Outsourcing can give access to cutting-edge technology and infrastructure without requiring considerable upfront investment. Harnessing advanced tools from external experts allows healthcare providers to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-dynamic sector.

Explore the benefits of accessible modern technologies:

  • State-of-the-art infrastructure. Subcontracting IT services in healthcare provides access to sophisticated technological solutions without requiring large upfront expenditures. Outsourcing partners maintain advanced infrastructure, allowing healthcare organizations to access technology without incurring total ownership costs.
  • Deep expertise in healthcare technology. BPO providers specializing in healthcare IT possess broad knowledge of implementing and maintaining technical solutions customized for the unique needs of healthcare organizations. They harness technology to optimize the quality of patient care and drive operational efficiency.
  • Raised interoperability. Outsourcing IT services integrates different systems within healthcare organizations for seamless data exchange. Third-party partners use interoperability standards and protocols to enable smooth platform communication, improving care coordination and patient engagement.
  • Improved disaster recovery. Allowing BPO providers to manage IT infrastructure leads to robust disaster recovery plans. They ensure healthcare organizations can swiftly retrieve critical data during a disruption or catastrophe. Downtime and potential losses are also reduced for patient care continuity.
  • Available analytical tools. Outsourcing offers advanced applications for data-driven decision-making and strategic planning in healthcare. These tools enable population health management, predictive analytics, and performance optimization, enhancing outcomes and operational efficiency.

7. Solid regulatory compliance to avoid hefty government fines

Outsourcing certain functions, such as medical coding and billing, to specialized providers can help ensure adherence to legal standards and regulations involving the healthcare industry. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are examples.

Assess the gains of solid regulatory compliance:

  • Regulatory experts in healthcare. BPO providers specializing in regulatory compliance possess expertise in healthcare laws and standards. By outsourcing, healthcare organizations can access specialized knowledge and guidance to navigate complex regulatory frameworks effectively.
  • Stringent adherence to best practices. Outsourcing firms observe industry best practices and standards to ensure regulatory compliance and mitigate risks. By aligning with outsourcing partners committed to superior procedures, healthcare firms can strengthen their compliance efforts and reduce the likelihood of regulatory violations.
  • Regular monitoring and updates. BPO providers closely track regulatory changes and updates to maintain client compliance. They strictly follow industry guidelines, ensuring compliance and risk mitigation. Partnering with such providers strengthens compliance and reduces regulatory infractions for healthcare firms.
  • Proper documentation and reporting. BPO vendors aid healthcare organizations in documentation for regulatory compliance. They offer audit trails and reports. Partnering with proficient providers streamlines compliance, demonstrating a commitment to regulatory standards to stakeholders and authorities.


8. Primary focus on core competencies to sharpen edge

Outsourcing enables healthcare businesses to devote more attention and resources to essential operations, such as patient service and strategic planning, instead of administrative duties.

Delve into the positive outcomes of paying more attention to core competencies:

  • Prioritized patient care. Subcontracting non-core activities (e.g., administrative tasks or IT support) allows healthcare professionals to emphasize patient care without distractions. Healthcare firms can concentrate on offering high-quality care and improving patient outcomes by offloading secondary responsibilities to BPO providers.
  • Strategic planning and innovation. Outsourcing enables healthcare leaders to spend more time and resources on strategies and creative developments. With administrative burdens reduced, they can turn their attention to developing new programs, expanding services, and introducing new solutions to meet patient needs and industry trends.
  • Better competitive edge. Medical firms can maximize their resources and differentiate themselves by zeroing in on their strong suits. This approach allows them to deliver higher-quality service, innovate more effectively, and respond more swiftly to market demands, honing their business edge and industry position.
  • Heightened patient experience. More attention to core competencies allows healthcare providers to reduce wait time and improve communication. This laser-focused attention to patient needs and preferences enhances their overall experience and fosters trust, satisfaction, and loyalty.

9. Augmented data security to safeguard private patient information

Due to the sensitive nature of patient information, the healthcare business requires enhanced data security and privacy safeguards. Outsourcing certain functions can reinforce patient information and confidentiality protection.

Dive into the advantages of strengthened data security and privacy protection:

  • Advanced security measures. Third-party providers devote themselves to solid data security mechanisms to safeguard sensitive information. Encryption methods, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and multifactor authentication can all help protect patient information against illegal access and data breaches.
  • Secure infrastructure. Many BPO companies have cutting-edge data centers and safe platforms for storing and managing medical records. These facilities can survive physical threats such as natural catastrophes or incursions. They also have redundant systems in place to assure data availability and integrity.
  • Higher employee awareness. BPO partners spend funds on training and awareness campaigns to educate employees about security best practices and the importance of securing sensitive data. This training contributes to developing a security-conscious culture within the firm, lowering the risk of insider threats and human error.
  • Prompt incident response. BPO providers establish protocols to manage security issues or data breaches quickly and efficiently. These methods involve containment, investigation, remediation, and communication to reduce the impact on parties and protect reputation.
  • Ongoing surveillance and inspection. Service providers use frequent evaluation and tracking procedures to identify possible security threats. This proactive strategy improves the overall security posture and reduces the chance of data breaches.

10. Mitigated risks to overcome business difficulties

Outsourcing specific healthcare operations can help manage risks, including labor shortages and technological disruptions, since many BPO providers have mechanisms to address these difficulties efficiently.

Healthcare companies can mitigate or avoid the following risks when outsourcing: 

  • Inadequate workforce. Outsourcing can reduce shortage risks for healthcare firms by offering globally skilled professionals. BPO partners can quickly scale up for service continuity. This scalability alleviates staff burden, prevents burnout, maintains the quality of patient care, and offers specialized expertise, reducing labor shortage impacts.
  • Technological disruptions. BPO companies can help healthcare providers mitigate the disruptive changes following new technologies. They invest in robust infrastructure, manage complex systems, and swiftly implement solutions. Outsourcing ensures business continuity, keeps up with the latest tech, and reduces downtime. 
  • Geopolitical tensions. Outsourcing diversifies service delivery, reduces market dependence, and lowers political risks for healthcare firms across regions. It uses local expertise and networks, navigating political complexities for operational continuity, safeguarding company interests, and ensuring stakeholder satisfaction.
  • Local market downturn. Outsourcing reduces domestic market risks for healthcare firms by accessing diverse customer bases. Expanding operations across regions reduces reliance on single markets, decreasing the impacts of economic slowdown. It also offers specialized expertise, ensuring resilience in evolving markets. 
  • Diversified vendor relationships. Outsourcing enables healthcare firms to diversify vendor relationships. Engaging multiple partners for various functions distributes risks, avoiding overreliance on a single service provider. Effective vendor management practices hold outsourcing partners accountable for their responsibilities.