When To Consider Philippines Telemarketing Outsourcing

Three decades ago, Philippine telemarketing outsourcing was small. Now, it generates 1.44M jobs. Discover why companies choose cost-effective services from the Philippines. Learn when to hire an offshoring provider for phone-based advertising by reading this page.
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Three decades ago, the Philippine telemarketing outsourcing industry was a speck among the other booming industries. It continues to expand, helping generate 1.44 million full-time jobs in 2021.

The sector has become a necessity for companies seeking cost-effective telemarketing services. But how do you know when to hire an offshoring provider in the Philippines for phone-based advertising?

Make sure to thoroughly read this page to learn more.

Five Signs You Should Outsource Telemarketing to the Philippines

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The Philippine telemarketing industry began when a multinational firm established the first call center in the region 30 years ago. As time passed, the telemarketing sector became part of the country’s broader business process outsourcing (BPO) market.

The phone-based marketing segment helped produce 1.44 million full-time jobs in 2021. Besides providing customer service, Filipino call center agents undergo rigorous training to perform outbound calls to promote various brand offerings. 

Their high English proficiency and cultural affinity with Western countries make them more attractive to clients wanting cost-efficient telemarketing solutions. But remember, you must seek third-party support for the right reasons. Take the scenarios below as your sign to start outsourcing.

1. Experience High Operating Costs

An in-house telemarketing unit requires significant labor, real estate, and infrastructure funds. As your in-house telemarketers gain tenure, their income increases. 

Moreover, you need a budget to constantly upgrade your technology and infrastructure for smooth operations. Plus, you must maintain a safe and comfortable workspace to ensure these call center agents continue to perform excellently. 

Although telemarketing directly boosts your sales and expands your market reach, spending a lot on this function is not ideal. It can consume the capital you were supposed to use for business development initiatives and product improvements. 

In contrast, Philippine telemarketing outsourcing services can reduce your operating expenses. As Deloitte’s recent data shows, cost reduction remains the primary driver of outsourcing for 57% of polled executives. So you can anticipate double cost savings due to the following factors:

  • Lower labor costs: The country is a developing Southeast Asian nation. It has a lower cost of labor than Western and neighboring countries. Thus, you can hire skilled telemarketers at an affordable salary range.
  • Decreased infrastructure and real estate costs: Outsourcing telemarketing to the Philippines grants you cost savings on technology, infrastructure, and workspace. The provider handles these resources, helping you avoid the upfront expenses of setting up a telemarketing unit in-house.
  • No training costs: Staff outsourcing services in the Philippines mean having a team trained by the BPO firms themselves.  This eliminates the need for clients to spend money on training telemarketing agents. But you still must provide materials such as handbooks detailing your products, work strategies, and policies. They help ensure both parties are on the same page.

2. Lack of Skilled Workers

Your business likely has multiple projects and tasks to fulfill in-house, so employees do not have sufficient time to improve their skills and broaden their field knowledge. They also experience burdens because of increasing backlogs, which push them to work overtime. 

These feelings of overwork and exhaustion urge your telemarketers to hastily leave your company. Staff resignations add to your burdens and expenses; you must give them full exit pay and immediately find a replacement to avoid delays and backlogs. 

Procuring front- and back-office outsourcing from the Philippines helps you close such gaps. Aside from lower labor costs, Filipino workers possess the following skills and work ethics to provide unmatched telemarketing services: 

  • Proficient English speakers and writers. The Philippines recognizes English as an official language, requiring educational institutions to teach related concepts and grammar rules. This ability helps Filipino call center agents communicate fluently with their native customers.
  • Flexible work attitude. Filipino workers can quickly adapt to your business rules and regulations. They are trained to adjust to your time zones and promote your services during operating hours. Service providers can deploy agents immediately whenever you need them.
  • High educational attainment. Most agents working in the Philippine telemarketing outsourcing sector have finished tertiary education. Their in-depth knowledge and expertise in different marketing strategies support them in effectively advertising your products and services via phone calls.
  • Eager to learn more. Filipinos value training and upskilling. So expect that they can understand and practice your rules and strategies in a short amount of time. They also familiarize themselves with the latest trends. Hence, they know how to keep up with customers’ preferences and deliver personalized promotional campaigns.

3. Need to Expand Customer Base

Despite having a clear telemarketing strategy, your business might still struggle to broaden its customer base. This issue arises when you lack the skills and resources to reach potential consumers and generate leads.

As you expand your enterprise worldwide, connecting with customers outside your home country might be challenging when your in-house telemarketing team only speaks one language. Although English is the universal language, some of your target buyers might not be accustomed to using it. 

Philippine telemarketing outsourcing allows you to penetrate a new market without worrying about high expenses or language and cultural barriers. As discussed, Filipino call center agents speak English with neutral accents. They also know the ins and outs of Western culture, making their communication with American consumers more natural. 

Besides, Philippine service providers employ telemarketers who know how to speak other languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. They are either native speakers of these languages or have learned them by attending courses. It helps the contractors accommodate their clients’ demand for expanded global market reach.

Moreover, Filipino call centers use contact center as a service (CCaaS) platforms to ensure seamless customer engagement. Such solutions let them showcase your brand offerings through integrated calls, video chat, or live streaming. 

4. Encounter Increasing Delays

Your employees cannot meet your telemarketing goals when they are experiencing growing backlogs, a narrowing workforce size, and unmatched capabilities. Data management, technology, and workspace issues add to the delays in promoting your products.

Consider outsourcing your telemarketing to the Philippines when you experience delays for the following reasons. 

  • Outdated, inaccurate, and incomplete data causes delays and inefficiencies in telemarketing. Calling incorrect or non-existent phone numbers leads to wasted time and effort. Call center providers to ensure their directories are up-to-date to reach the right audience. 
  • Telemarketing becomes ineffective without proper planning and preparation. Errors continue to impede your process if agents lack the appropriate knowledge, training, and materials. Contractors address such gaps by preparing scripts and training to achieve streamlined telemarketing operations.
  • Technical issues result in delayed responses and miscommunications. Telemarketers might not introduce a product properly if their connection lags. Vendors implement regular system maintenance when they outsource tech solutions and telemarketing services to avoid problems such as poor call quality.
  • In-house telemarketers spend too much time on administrative tasks such as call logging or data entry services. This gap prevents your team from reaching your consumers on time. Outsourcing your admin or telemarketing assignments to the Philippines lets your team focus on what matters.

5. Encounter Declining Sales and Consumer Ratings

No matter how structured your telemarketing strategy is, you may still experience declining sales and consumer ratings. This issue occurs due to the factors listed below. 

  • Failure to understand and accommodate customers’ needs and demands
  • Lack of personalized customer experiences
  • Telemarketing activities scheduled during customers’ busy period
  • Failure to keep up with the latest trends and demands
  • Inefficient communication strategies

Similar to adopting technical support outsourcing, outsourcing telemarketing to the Philippines helps you increase sales and consumer satisfaction. Filipino service providers address the problems stated above by:

  • Collecting and analyzing market insights using artificial intelligence-powered solutions;
  • Using such data to understand consumer behavior and availability patterns;
  • Developing strategies for more personalized telemarketing strategies;
  • Training call centers agents regarding effective voice communication; and
  • Offering multilingual services.

The Bottom Line

Five Indicators for Outsourcing Telemarketing to the Philippines

Procuring telemarketing BPO from the Philippines needs careful planning to guarantee returns and ensure long-term benefits. You must recognize the signs discussed to achieve cost-effective, phone-based promotional campaigns.

Now that you know what to consider before purchasing telemarketing outsourcing from the country, schedule a meeting with Unity Communications today. The award-winning BPO provider has robust solutions and skilled teams to boost your telemarketing operations.

Picture of Joyce Ann Danieles
Joyce Ann Danieles is an SEO content writer from Manila, Philippines. She’s comfortable writing outsourcing-focused articles, helping you clarify the confusing concepts surrounding the BPO industry. With her experience in news writing and copywriting, she’s always ready to feed your brain with random facts and creative insights.   Outside work, Joyce explores the world of literature. She tries to write fiction she hopes to share with everyone someday.
Picture of Joyce Ann Danieles

Joyce Ann Danieles

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