Driving Business Success in Phoenix: Effective Outsourcing Strategies for Enhanced Efficiency

Learn how a Phoenix-based BPO company with operations in Asia or Latin America can boost business efficiency, cut costs, and drive revenue by outsourcing non-core activities. Discover seven proven outsourcing strategies for success. Read on for actionable insights.
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A BPO company in Phoenix with operations in Asia or Latin America can help you improve business efficiency to reduce costs, simplify processes, and drive revenue. Outsourcing some of your non-core activities to a third-party provider enables you to get accurate services at a fraction of the cost. 

Outsourcing is a proven practice that lets your business thrive and be more competitive. However, thorough planning is necessary to increase your chances of outsourcing success. 

This article discusses seven effective outsourcing strategies for your Phoenix business. Read until the end to gain actionable insights.

Seven Effective Outsourcing Strategies for Phoenix Businesses

Seven Outsourcing Strategies for Phoenix Enterprises

Many businesses continue to thrive in the Valley due to the city’s diverse economy, skilled local workforce, and enjoyable way of life. 

However, hiring and retaining talent has become a challenge among local companies, particularly the small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that comprise over 99% of Phoenix businesses. The city has experienced a high turnover rate, forcing employers to raise salaries and compensation packages to attract and hold onto workers.

Adding to this operating cost issue is the rise in office rents and overall inflation. Direct asking rents in Phoenix increased by 2.8% year-on-year in 2022. According to Avison Young’s fourth-quarter market report, the direct asking price per square foot hit a record peak of $28.90. Similarly, local prices increased by 9.5% in 2022, causing consumers and firms to spend less. 

Are you affected by the tight labor market, rising office rents, and higher prices of goods and services? This might be the right time to outsource to third-party providers to help you enhance efficiency and control operating expenses. If you are interested in what business process outsourcing (BPO) is and are wondering how to execute an effective strategy, read on. 

Check out the seven outsourcing strategies below to help guide your Phoenix business.

1. Specify Business Goals and Requirements 

Design a clear-cut and direct outsourcing plan before partnering with a BPO company to manage your processes. Identify business needs by discussing targets, expectations, and demands with other decision-makers, managers, and employees.

Consider these questions to help you determine clear outsourcing strategies for your Phoenix business. Is your objective:

  • To prioritize core competencies to expand the business? 
  • To gain a market presence quickly to cut marketing or acquisition costs?  
  • To cut operating expenses to release more funds?   
  • To acquire relevant technologies to streamline workflow?   
  • To enhance brand loyalty and increase repeat purchases?  
  • To become adaptable to deal with unexpected issues?
  • To establish a competitive advantage to increase revenues?

After specifying your goals, select an outsourcing model. Your Phoenix business can consider two types of outsourcing when dealing with rising operating costs. These are:

  • Offshoring. The functions you delegate to the service vendor are handled and performed outside the Americas, away from your Phoenix headquarters. For instance, you outsource customer support operations to a call center or contact center as a service (CCaaS) provider in Asia, such as the Philippines.
  • Nearshoring. Your outsourced activities are processed in a country near your Phoenix office. For example, you subcontract your medical administrative tasks to a third-party vendor in Mexico.

2. Shop for BPO Providers

The BPO industry comprises numerous players offering various subcontracting services, such as back-office outsourcing and virtual assistance. It caters to all businesses, whether you operate an oncology clinic or a Shopify store in Downtown Phoenix. 

Follow these proven outsourcing strategies to help your Phoenix business select the ideal BPO partner:

  • Perform an in-depth check. Gather as much relevant information as possible by getting a list of prospects’ accomplishments and feedback from previous and existing clients. Review independent online resources to determine their reputation and performance.
  • Assess expertise and knowledge. Discover how long the providers have been in business and how many clients they have served in Phoenix. Short-list prospects with operations in Arizona. They have a better knowledge of local government policies, industry norms, customer needs, and management styles. 
  • Collaborate with a specialized team. Partnering with a BPO provider with a dedicated team that works solely on your processes costs more than shared services. However, it can perform first-rate processes that can lead to higher efficiency.
  • Evaluate the security policies. Ensure the prospects use the latest data security systems and procedures to store and protect critical consumer information. Investigate each prospect’s security measures.

3. Inquire About Total Service Charges From Prospective BPO Partners

One of the most effective outsourcing strategies to consider for your Phoenix business is to ask prospective providers about their complete service fees. Besides improved efficiency, cost reduction is a primary motivation to outsource your non-core processes.  

Consider cost-saving outsourcing strategies to help improve your Phoenix business’s returns on investment (ROI). Request a quote from the prospective partner that includes the hidden or additional costs of outsourcing a task.

Service providers offer different pricing schemes. Analyze and compare their cost plans. Weigh the benefits and costs of each package.

Here are some typical pricing models that service providers use:

  • The cost-plus type charges fixed fees plus a markup
  • Fixed-price charges a standard rate (e.g., monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually). 
  • Performance-based pricing charges a value equal to the third-party team’s performance.
  • Profit-sharing pays the provider a percentage of the profit earned from processes.
  • Transaction-based charges depend on the transaction volume completed. 

4. Prioritize Scalability

Aim for operational scalability. Adopt this outsourcing strategy to help achieve maximum efficiency for your Phoenix business. Opt for a service provider that best addresses your requirements and conditions to maximize revenue while minimizing cost. 

A scalable service functions well during growth since it can effortlessly accommodate additional processes, tasks, or customers without causing operational delays. You can address the increased number of activities by quickly adding more outsourcing solutions or third-party professionals. 

Including scalability as an outsourcing strategy for your Phoenix business enables you to:

  • Manage your budget better. You gain the right personnel size to maximize your outsourced operations. You lower staff redundancy, reducing in-house hiring expenses while enhancing employee productivity.
  • Distribute the workload. Scalability spreads the process between your internal team and the BPO provider. Your group tackles high-value customers, users, or processes while the third-party professionals deal with the time-consuming or repetitive functions. 
  • Achieve flexibility. Scalable solutions let you react and adjust promptly to shifting customer or client requirements and demands.

5. Establish Strict Cybersecurity and Data Compliance Policies

Cyberattacks are significant disruptors that Phoenix companies must deal with. This is particularly true for e-commerce stores and other organizations that rely heavily on online transactions. Hackers can hurt establishments financially when they exploit security weaknesses in their information technology (IT) systems. 

To resolve these security issues, incorporate the robust deployment and maintenance of cybersecurity solutions into the outsourcing strategy. Consider these valuable tips when outsourcing cybersecurity for your Phoenix business:

  • Evaluate security requirements and current protection status.
  • Build and implement a solid data security contract with the partner.
  • Advise the service provider to perform regular threat assessments on your IT systems, enforce access control, encrypt sensitive data, and conduct security awareness training.

Similarly, choose a third-party vendor that can guarantee substantial compliance with government regulations and industry standards. Failure to observe current laws or policies can lead to costly penalties and reputational damage. 

The nation’s Federal Information Security Management Act (FIMA), Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and Arizona’s Data Breach Notification Law are examples of regulations.

6. Form and Nurture Relationships With BPO Partner

Another effective outsourcing strategy to apply to your Phoenix business is to build a solid, long-term partnership with the BPO provider. Working with an independent group of experts is the start of a commitment. The partnership can thrive for many years if both parties consistently fulfill their contractual obligations.

If outsourcing helps you meet your targets, maintain and improve your relationship with the service provider. Doing so encourages growth and optimizes the profitability of your Phoenix operations.

Trust is essential when collaborating with a BPO company. You must be confident in the third-party team to accomplish the required outcomes. You must regard the team as your organization’s integral component (e.g., a revenue driver) instead of a back-end service.

Keeping an open line of communication must also be part of your outsourcing strategy for your Phoenix business. It strengthens the partnership through closer interaction and more profound trust between the two groups. Frequent coordination offers a clearer view and understanding of issues, preventing them from escalating.

7. Choose a BPO Provider Specializing in High Customer Experience (CX) 

Regardless of your business type or industry, providing first-rate CX and buyer satisfaction is your primary priority. Add a consumer-centric approach to customer service and other frontline operations to your outsourcing strategy to increase efficiency and revenue for your Phoenix business.

The following are some indications that you have successfully implemented the outsourcing strategy of customer-centricity for your Phoenix business:

  • Enhanced brand reputation. Achieving consistently high CX helps your company differentiate itself from its rivals. A strong brand image contributes to a sharper competitive edge, enabling your business to improve its market position.
  • More positive feedback. Favorable experiences that strengthen brand loyalty are another outcome. Buyers return to your shop to purchase more, improving customer retention and sales. 
  • Improved sales. Concentrating on CX activities can translate to more revenue. A better buying experience leads to more purchases. Regular customers typically share their happy encounters with your service, which will likely draw new buyers.

The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line - outsourcing strategies for Phoenix businesses

Identifying goals and requirements, looking for the ideal BPO organization, asking about its complete service fees, and aiming for scalable outsourced operations are among the tried-and-tested outsourcing strategies for your Phoenix business. 

Additionally, ensure you prioritize high data security and compliance, build and keep working relationships, and choose a customer-centric provider. These are some of the plans to integrate to help you attain your goals of improved efficiency, productivity, and revenue. Consider them for better decision-making.

Let’s connect to learn more about effective outsourcing strategies for enhanced efficiency and success in your Phoenix business

Picture of Rene Mallari
Rene Mallari considers himself a multipurpose writer who easily switches from one writing style to another. He specializes in content writing, news writing, and copywriting. Before joining Unity Communications, he contributed articles to online and print publications covering business, technology, personalities, pop culture, and general interests. He has a business degree in applied economics and had a brief stint in customer service. As a call center representative (CSR), he enjoyed chatting with callers about sports, music, and movies while helping them with their billing concerns. Rene follows Jesus Christ and strives daily to live for God.
Picture of Rene Mallari

Rene Mallari

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