How to Choose a Reliable Outsourcing Partner

Selecting the right outsourcing partner is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your business's efficiency and growth. By conducting thorough due diligence, you can ensure a successful partnership that drives future success.
How to Choose a Reliable Outsourcing Partner - Featured Image

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You already know what the pain points of your business are (and if you’re having a hard time identifying them, check out this blog post — 5 signs it’s time to outsource. Now, you’re thinking about outsourcing specific business processes to another company. Choosing the right outsourcing partner can make or break your business. But how do you go about choosing the right one for you?

You wouldn’t buy a new car on a whim without first checking to see if it has good gas mileage or a good crash safety rating, right? Choosing an outsourcing partner is even more important, so your due diligence is essential.

Here are a few things to examine closely to choose an outsourcing partner that will foster future success for your business.

Experience and Quality Workforce

Affordable, Efficient Workforce_1457363858

It may come as a shock, but not all BPO organizations are created the same. Like any company, quality and value are determined by the workforce operating behind the scenes. Most companies exploring outsourcing options don’t realize what high-quality staff they can access, even when working with a limited budget. Ask some questions to determine whether the workers handling your outsourced tasks have the experience, dedication, and motivation to help your business thrive.

  • Meet your management team: Although it might be impractical to have direct contact with every BPO team member, you should have a strong rapport and great confidence in your management team.
  • Look at case studies and portfolios: Many businesses have online portfolios demonstrating the quality of their work. If the service doesn’t lend itself to visible examples, case studies should be provided and closely examined. You can even ask for references from other clients.
  • Choose someone who specializes in what you need: Identify what it is that you need to outsource–sales leads, customer service, software development, etc.–and find someone who has the experience and a history of success in that specific area.

Here at Unity Communications, we’re proud to work with some of the world’s most extraordinary, dedicated, and reliable workers. Our retention rate is four years or more, and we get hundreds of applicants for each Tier 1 job that becomes available, so you know that you’re getting high-quality, experienced workers for all of your business processes.

Outsourcing Transparency

What is BPO? The idea behind business process outsourcing is that you won’t have to be as hands-on in certain functions of your business. However, it’s essential to choose an outsourcing partner who offers complete transparency in everything they do. This allows you to ensure quality control, ethical business practices, and accurate reports of progress and results.

Unity Communications offers 100% transparency to each of our clients, including accurate data reports, admin access to any phone systems, and on-site review.

Security Measures

It is vital to ensure proper safety protocols are in place if you hand over client-sensitive information and passwords to an outsourcing company. 

Gabby Nizri, the co-founder and CEO of Ayehu, an IT automation company, suggests using the PoLP rule (principle of least privilege) to give employees only the access they need to do their jobs. This way, not all employees have complete access to data, thus minimizing the risk of a security breach. Any outsourcing partner you’re considering should be able to report on the security measures they’ll take to keep your data and client information confidential.

Proper Communication

Proper communication is fundamental when working professionally with employees in another country or who speak another language. You are bringing them on board your company and business processes, so taking the time to ensure that everyone understands the project objectives, procedures, and expectations will help ease the transition. Visiting your BPO team in person a few times a year is a suitable business protocol. 

Time difference also plays a significant role in communication and depends on what skill your outsourcing company is helping with. If the skill requires a lot of communication, choosing an outsourcing partner with working hours closest to yours is best. This is where nearshore operations in locations like Mexico can be helpful.

Future Scalability

Since your goal is future growth when choosing an outsourcing partner, one thing to keep in mind is the ability of the company to scale up to meet your growing needs. To promote a great relationship from the beginning, you want to think about this possibility from the outset. This helps you and your partner establish a positive relationship that solves current problems and anticipates future needs.

The Bottom Line

Five Considerations When Choosing An Outsourcing Partner

Selecting the right outsourcing partner is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your business’s efficiency and growth. By conducting thorough due diligence and considering factors such as workforce expertise, transparency, security, communication, and scalability, you can ensure a successful partnership that drives future success. Remember that investing time and effort in choosing the right partner upfront can yield substantial benefits in the long run.

Think Unity Communications would be a suitable outsourcing partner for your business? We help our clients focus on their strengths and make operations more efficient, so your business can thrive without worrying about the process and pain points. Schedule a meeting now to get started.

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At Unity Communications, our mission is to consistently assist our clients in growing and achieving success while providing superior leadership and customer service. Our team of over 350 onshore, nearshore, and offshore BPO agents caters to startup clients and Fortune 500 accounts alike. More than 50 U.S.-based companies leverage our expertise to run, grow, and scale their operations
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Unity Communications

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