Expertise Access for Phoenix-based Companies: Leveraging Specialized Resources Through Outsourcing

A Phoenix BPO company offers international expertise, providing tailored teams amid Arizona's competitive labor market. Services include accounting, customer support, digital marketing, HR, and healthcare. Access diverse specialized resources for your Phoenix business.
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A BPO company in Phoenix with international operations can provide your business with suitable third-party professionals and the right team size to help increase efficiency. Arizona’s most populous city still faces a competitive labor market, making outsourced services more attractive to businesses. 

The BPO provider also offers specialized resources. It can provide services such as accounting and finance, customer support, technical support, digital marketing, human resources, and healthcare functions.

Continue reading to learn more about accessing a diverse pool of human and specialized resources to assist your Phoenix company.

Benefits of Outsourcing Human Resources

Benefits of Outsourcing Human Resources

What is the business process outsourcing (BPO) provider’s role in accessing human expertise? Its market has a diverse pool of human resources available for your Phoenix business. It also employs competent professionals with various skills to cater to your specialized resources. 

Many service providers utilize relevant infrastructure and technology to oversee back-office outsourcing and similar duties. They work on outsourced tasks through different business models, including offshoring and nearshoring.

Opt for offshore and nearshore services to find capable talent at a more cost-efficient service fee, particularly in the Philippines and Mexico.  

Consider the following advantages of partnering with a BPO provider to gain access to a diverse pool of human resources for your Phoenix organization:

Large, Competent Workforce to Provide Excellent Outsourced Services 

Phoenix has an extensive talent pool, but the market faces a tight labor supply as the Valley continues to experience an e-commerce-led boom. Recruiting and retaining skilled professionals will remain a significant obstacle as the business landscape grows. Therefore, talent competition will intensify because more companies relocate to Arizona’s most populous city.

Outsourcing gives you access to a diverse pool of human resources for your Phoenix enterprise. Offshore and nearshore destinations such as the Philippines and Mexico can provide an ample supply of professionals.

The Philippines’ labor force participation rate (LFPR) is 61.1%, while Mexico’s is 59.77% (see figures below). These numbers indicate that six out of ten capable Filipinos and Mexicans are enthusiastic about landing a job. 

CountryEmployed PersonsUnemployed PersonsPersons Available to WorkLabor Force Participation Rate 
The Philippines 45,942,890 2,150,37048,093,26061.1
Mexico 59,043,9471,639,02160,682,96859.77


Arizona (U.S.) 

2,591,100 91,4002,682,50082.4 

Source: Trading Economics supplied the data for the Philippines and Mexico; the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provided the statistics for Phoenix, Arizona. The LFPR for Phoenix is for 2022. 

Better access to a diverse talent pool and resources is favorable for your Phoenix establishment. An ample supply of workers results in cost-effective wages. With a stable labor market, salaries tend to stay relatively constant. Conversely, talent shortages increase wages and service charges, leading to higher operating expenses.

English-speaking, Technically Skilled Talent to Support Outsourced Tasks 

The Philippines and Mexico produce thousands of skilled, dedicated, and driven graduates each year to join the workforce.

The enormous supply of professionals is ideally suited to remote work since they are adept at using digital gadgets, social platforms, and computer systems. These young professionals are fluent in English and familiar with American work culture and methods, allowing them to work with minimal supervision and effectively manage task-related concerns. 

In Mexico, about 500,000 students who finish undergraduate programs each year participate in the labor market afterward. As reported by Forbes, over 130,000 engineering graduates are looking for jobs annually.

Similarly, the Philippines has a sizable English-speaking population. The country was rated second in Asia, behind Singapore, and 20th in the world in the Education First English Proficiency Index (EF EPI). Filipinos value higher education as well. In 2021, the country’s literacy rate reached 99.3%, a 1.4% rise from 2010. 

Find and partner with the right BPO provider to earn you access to a diverse pool of human resources for your Phoenix company. Established service providers have teams with essential work experience, formal training, and technical and soft abilities. They offer different services, including:

  • Virtual assistance 
  • Contact center as a service (CCaaS)
  • Data entry services 
  • Administrative support
  • Email and chat support
  • Help desk
  • Bookkeeping 

Outsource to Access a Diverse Pool of Specialized Resources in Phoenix

Outsource to Access a Diverse Pool of Specialized Resources in Phoenix 

Outsourcing supplies you with the specialized resources you might need for your Phoenix operations. Here are some examples of technical expertise you can tap from offshore or nearshore providers:

Accounting and Finance

You delegate tasks related to financial records, transactions, reporting, and analysis to a service provider specializing in these areas. Below is a breakdown of what it involves:

  • Accounting services. These include bookkeeping, accounts payable and receivable, general ledger management, financial reporting, tax preparation and compliance, and payroll processing.
  • Financial analysis and reporting. These entail financial planning, budgeting, forecasting, variance analysis, performance metrics, and risk management.

Outsourcing finance-related functions is one practical solution to resolve the current labor shortage of accountants across the U.S., including Phoenix. Talent retention is difficult in this sector, according to 82% of hiring managers in public organizations and 69% in private companies.

In particular, the Philippines has an ample supply of accountants, with over 175,000 certified public accountants (CPAs), according to the latest data from the Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy. This conservative figure does not include the thousands of CPAs who need to renew their licenses or the yearly CPA licensure exam passers.

Customer Support and Call Center Operations

You hire a BPO provider to connect directly with customers to address problems, finalize transactions, respond to inquiries, and receive feedback or comments. Its support agents are in charge of providing high-quality consumer support to satisfy end users. They aim to keep customers happy and encourage repeat transactions. 

A call center is a customer support channel that mainly handles customer communications via phone calls. The service provider manages calls to offer different services, including:

  • Inbound 
  • Outbound 
  • Telemarketing
  • Collections 

Outsource customer support and call center operations to an offshore provider in the Philippines to access a diverse pool of these specialized resources for your Phoenix business, regardless of industry and size. 

The Philippines is the world’s call center capital because of the excellent customer service operations BPO companies and their English-fluent personnel provide to clients and consumers.

Information Technology (IT) Services and Technical Support

You hire a third-party provider to manage your organization’s IT-related activities and provide technical assistance. Whether you run an imaging clinic at Park Central or an e-commerce warehouse in Tempe, you need these services to maintain smooth technological processes, address technical problems, and assist users. Let us examine the two concepts:

  • IT services. These include software development, cybersecurity, network management, cloud services, infrastructure management, IT help desk, and application management.
  • Technical support. Remote technical assistance, hardware and software support, help desk support, upgrades and updates, product assistance, and operating system guidance are examples of this service.

Transfer IT services and technical support functions to a nearshore provider in Mexico to access a diverse pool of these specialized resources for your Phoenix company. The country has competent, young, and active workers, mainly in engineering and technology. 

Mexico is increasingly becoming an alternative innovation hub and a favorite destination for American enterprises. A recent study by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) reports that the technology workforce in Mexico is rising three times faster than the average global rate. 

Digital Marketing and Online Advertising

You outsource your digital marketing efforts to a BPO company to manage tasks associated with content creation, social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), and advertising. These services primarily boost the online presence of your e-commerce shop. Let us delve into these outsourced functions: 

  • Digital marketing. This entails promoting your product, service, or brand via digital channels to reach and interact with the target audience. Content creation, email marketing, social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and SEO are vital components.
  • Online advertising. This requires advertising your product, service, or brand on different digital channels. Some crucial aspects involve ad placement, ad campaign creation, bid management, ad performance tracking, and audience targeting. 

Shift your digital marketing and online advertising activities to an outsourcing company in Mexico or the Philippines to gain access to a diversified pool of specialized resources for your Phoenix operations. If you are a Shopify store owner in Downtown Phoenix, outsourcing enables you to acquire first-rate talent overseas at a fraction of the cost. 

For instance, the average salary of a full-time content writer in Phoenix is over $66,000 a year. The same third-party professionals from the Philippines and Mexico earn about $7,800 and $22,000, respectively. The resulting cost savings can finance other areas of your Shopify shop. 

Human Resources (HR) 

Partner with an offshore or nearshore provider specializing in HR recruitment and management to get help with hiring, payroll, training, benefits, and related functions. With its assistance and expertise, you can lower operating costs and access a diverse pool of human resources experts to aid in your Phoenix processes. 

Check out some HR functions you can delegate to a BPO company:

  • Recruitment and staffing comprise employment posting, applicant sourcing, vetting, and interviewing. 
  • Staff onboarding and offboarding include orienting new hires, handling their paperwork, conducting exit interviews, and performing documentation. 
  • Payroll processing entails computing employee salaries and deductions, processing payments, and ensuring compliance with tax policies.
  • Employee benefits management involves handling your benefits programs, such as medical coverage, pension plans, and other non-monetary perks.

Your organization might be part of the almost 592,500 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that comprise 99.4% of all Arizona businesses. Chances are you need additional professionals and knowledge to help you with HR functions so that you can focus more on core competencies to grow your company.

Outsourcing to the Philippines, Mexico, and other overseas hubs is ideal since these countries have experienced and skilled HR professionals. They can give you access to a diverse pool of specialized resources to help you concentrate on your local operations in Phoenix

Healthcare Services

Collaborate with an outsourcing company to oversee the administrative tasks in your medical practice. Healthcare BPO providers offer various services to support healthcare organizations, insurers, and pharmaceutical firms. The following are the typical services to outsource: 

  • Medical billing involves filing and delivering claims to insurance firms and collecting patient payments. 
  • Medical coding examines patient health records and medical procedures and converts them into approved clinical codes. 
  • Claims management entails handling denied claims and addressing billing disputes.
  • Patient scheduling includes managing appointments and ensuring patients are examined and served on time.
  • Telehealth is the delivery of healthcare services via phone or video chat.

If you operate a geriatric or pain management clinic in Phoenix, more senior citizen patients will likely visit you soon. The reason? The Valley’s population has grown older. In 2020, the ratio of people under 18 fell by nearly three points from 2010 to 23.5%, while the proportion of those older than 65 increased from 12.3% to 16.6%.

This figure means more elderly people will likely need your services. More patients translate into more administrative tasks. With outsourcing, you can access a diverse pool of specialized resources to help in your Phoenix clinic. 

The Bottom Line 

The Bottom Line - access to a diverse pool of resources in Phoenix

Outsourcing is an effective strategy to reach a broader talent pool with diverse specialized resources.

Delegating some operations might involve possible challenges. While outsourcing can reduce operating costs and streamline operations, it might only partially meet expectations. 

You must team with the right third-party provider to ensure a higher chance of success and minimize BPO risks and drawbacks. So, before deciding to partner up, thoroughly research your potential candidates.  

Let’s connect if you want to learn more about accessing a diverse pool of human and specialized resources to help your Phoenix business!

Picture of Rene Mallari
Rene Mallari considers himself a multipurpose writer who easily switches from one writing style to another. He specializes in content writing, news writing, and copywriting. Before joining Unity Communications, he contributed articles to online and print publications covering business, technology, personalities, pop culture, and general interests. He has a business degree in applied economics and had a brief stint in customer service. As a call center representative (CSR), he enjoyed chatting with callers about sports, music, and movies while helping them with their billing concerns. Rene follows Jesus Christ and strives daily to live for God.
Picture of Rene Mallari

Rene Mallari

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