Outsourcing Software Testing: Ensuring Product Quality and Performance

Seamless app and website performance is crucial for user engagement, requiring diligent software testers. BPO has become key in ensuring software quality, with third-party professionals verifying and maintaining smooth performance. Learn why companies outsource software testing.
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Seamless application and website performance help ensure successful user engagement. A team of diligent software testers must work tirelessly behind the scenes to deliver glitch-free experiences. 

Business process outsourcing (BPO) has emerged as a key to ensuring software product quality. Third-party professionals help test digital solutions to verify and maintain smooth performance.

This article explores why and how companies outsource software testing to gain optimal outcomes. Continue reading to learn more!

Reasons to Outsource Software Testing

Reasons to Outsource Software TestingReasons to Outsource Software Testing

What BPO offers is a strategic approach to optimizing costs, streamlining software performance testing, and improving product quality. Service providers leverage scalable human expertise and advanced technology to test your digital systems more efficiently. 

Third-party companies also optimize such resources to address various issues, only charging a fixed hourly or monthly fee. Here are some common challenges that outsourcing helps mitigate:

  • Many organizations lack the specialized skill set for software testing. Outsourcing gives you access to a workforce proficient in different testing strategies and tools. Third-party professionals are trained and certified to support this effort effectively. 
  • Budgets limit your testing infrastructure and personnel investments. BPO providers help manage your operating costs through flexible payment methods and service packages. You only pay for the required testing services without allocating significant upfront fees.
  • Tight software development schedules impede thorough testing. BPO providers work across different time zones. The capacity enables continuous software performance testing, ensuring faster turnaround times and allowing clients to meet strict project deadlines. 
  • In-house teams may find testing complex scenarios challenging. An example of this scenario is dealing with compatibility across multiple platforms. A third-party testing team specializes in handling complicated software trials. Providers use their expertise and advanced testing tools to ensure comprehensive coverage.
  • In-house software development teams may fail to identify issues objectively. BPO firms bring a fresh and objective perspective. They carefully test and examine your software to determine easily missed anomalies, such as problems with user interface (UI) features.
  • Your business cannot adapt to emerging technologies. Budget constraints hinder you from keeping pace with the rapid evolution of testing systems. Third-party providers ensure their quality assurance (QA) processes incorporate cutting-edge technologies.
  • Globalization and localization influence software testing. Without a traditional QA team, you might struggle to meet cultural and linguistic requirements for diverse markets. Fortunately, providers have a global presence. They know how to make your software adaptable and functional in different regions.
  • Meeting regulatory standards consumes significant time and effort. A third-party software testing company has experience working with various industries. Providers are familiar with legal requirements related to this function. They help process your test documentation and software certification, ensuring compliance.

Due to these benefits, businesses depend on outsourcing for streamlined software testing. According to Market Research Future, demand enabled this industry to achieve $3.73 billion in market value in 2023. The organization expects the sector to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 4% to $5.28 billion by 2032.

How BPO Helps Maintain Software Quality and Performance

According to Katalon’s 2023 report, QA teams prioritize balancing speed, quality, and cost. This equilibrium lets them keep up with rapid software release cycles and meet increasing customer demands. 

BPO companies help your business strike a balance through their flexible human resources (HR) and modern tools. They also use test automation to fast-track software testing processes. They combine HR and tech resources to maintain high quality and smooth performance on your enterprise platforms. 

Skim through this sample scenario to further understand how outsourcing boosts software testing:

Suppose you own a rapidly growing e-commerce startup offering an innovative online retail platform. You have a small in-house development team focused on feature development to ensure a seamless user experience (UX). However, the need for rigorous software testing becomes increasingly critical as the user base expands.

Challenge. Your business lacks in-house testing expertise for continuous software maintenance. The inefficiency is especially concerning in critical areas, such as security, performance, and compatibility across various devices and browsers. 

Your team also encounters challenges in scaling testing efforts to match the pace of new feature releases and growing user traffic.

Solution. You entrust comprehensive testing services to a BPO company specializing in QA support. The provider brings the following benefits to your business: 

  • Specialized expertise. The BPO team has in-depth testing knowledge and expertise. They use up-to-date techniques to identify vulnerabilities and test software performance. They ensure the platform can handle increased loads during peak times and is compatible across various devices for enhanced and consistent UX.
  • Scalable processes. The vendor’s scalable QA model lets your startup quickly adapt to changing project requirements and customer demands. This testing flexibility is vital during major updates or promotional events when a surge in user activity affects software performance.
  • Continuous testing. The service provider operates across varying time zones, allowing constant testing cycles. For instance, when your in-house development team sleeps, you can trust that third-party testers are actively working in their region. This arrangement enables a faster feedback loop and time to market for new features.
  • Advanced technology adoption. When outsourcing software testing, expect to optimize the latest tools. This advantage provides your enterprise access to artificial intelligence (AI) and automation solutions without significant upfront investments.

Ways Outsourcing Firms Ensure Software Testing Compliance

Ways Outsourcing Firms Ensure Software Testing Compliance

Keeping software testing legally compliant is crucial for BPO companies and their clients. This commitment builds trust and fosters successful, long-term partnerships. It also helps parties avoid costly violations. 

Service providers exercise these best practices to meet local and international legal requirements:

  • Research and understand applicable laws. BPO firms stay abreast of the legal landscape regarding software testing in their respective regions. They study data protection laws, industry-specific regulations, and other relevant regulatory requirements.
  • Prioritize client-specific legal agreements. Before outsourcing software testing functions, providers discuss service arrangements with their clients. They detail critical BPO roles and responsibilities for meeting software testing needs and compliance requirements.
  • Maintain contractual confidentiality. BPO companies closely work with their clients to prepare and establish non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). These documents legally bind the outsourcing vendor to protect the client’s business and software testing data.
  • Ensure data protection and privacy compliance. BPO vendors enact strict measures to abide by data protection and privacy laws. Their efforts include obtaining licenses, anonymizing sensitive information, and ensuring secure storage and transmission during software testing.
  • Strengthen intellectual property (IP) security. Statista revealed that 26% of companies worldwide encountered IP theft due to commercialization in 2023. Providers help avoid such incidents by limiting access to the client’s IP to only authorized personnel and setting up testing environments with robust firewalls.
  • Adhere to international standards. BPO firms operate following global rules and regulations applicable to their industry. For instance, software testing providers comply with information security management guidelines set under the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27001 certification.
  • Host legal compliance training. BPO workers undergo rigorous training programs to familiarize themselves with the legal compliance requirements of software testing. These efforts spread awareness on many tech-related regulatory topics, such as IP and data protection laws.
  • Conduct regular compliance audits. Service providers frequently monitor and review their compliance with relevant laws. These initiatives involve their legal experts reviewing software testing processes, contracts, and operational procedures to identify and address potential regulatory gaps.
  • Establish incident reporting and response. BPO companies draft and implement clear procedures for documenting and addressing legal incidents during software testing. They consult with clients to align their incident management and rapid response plans.
  • Perform proper documentation and record-keeping procedures. Organized paperwork storage and management are essential factors in the BPO company’s compliance. They use secure platforms and strategies to gatekeep critical software testing records, legal agreements, and audit reports.

The Role of Automation in Outsourced Software Testing

Automation boosts software testing efficiency while cutting expenses. According to Forrester’s 2021 Total Economic Impact study of BMC AMI DevX Total Test, an automated testing solution resulted in $4.5 million in time savings and increased developer output.

The report also noted that automated testing allowed BMC clients to immediately identify and reduce bugs by 20%, saving them $376,000. When it comes to outsourced software testing, here’s how BPO companies optimize automation to help clients receive similar benefits:

  • Handle repetitive and time-consuming test scenarios, such as UI testing.
  • Collect and deliver faster feedback on software performance and quality.
  • Enable continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD). 
  • Immediately identify and mitigate issues that may arise during regression testing.
  • Create a large number of test cases for more comprehensive and in-depth results.
  • Increase test coverage and conduct a more thorough software compatibility evaluation.
  • Speed up the overall development process and reduce time-to-market.
  • Minimize human errors that may occur during routine manual testing.
  • Ensure consistent results across varying test cycles.
  • Facilitate “shift-left” testing practices for early detection and resolution of defects.
  • Reduce the cost and effort of resolving issues later in the development cycle.
  • Simulate user loads and assess software performance under different stress levels.
  • Deliver detailed analytics and reporting of test results and areas of improvement.

While automation brings numerous advantages, service providers do not automate all aspects of software testing. They still value the role of human testers, especially in domains requiring creativity, exploratory testing, and UX evaluation. 

What to Consider When Outsourcing Software Testing

What to Consider When Outsourcing Software Testing

Before delegating software testing to a third-party service provider, you must understand the various factors involved. These assist you in maximizing the benefits and ensuring high-quality test findings. Find the best software testing partner by considering these critical points:

  • Select a service provider with expertise in different testing fields, such as functional, performance, and security testing.
  • Verify whether the BPO company is familiar with your industry-specific requirements and standards so that it can meet the demands of your software users or customers.
  • Seek references and case studies from the vendor’s previous clients to confirm its ability to deliver high-quality testing services.
  • Check if the software testing provider has received industry awards or certifications as evidence of its commitment to service quality.
  • Ensure the outsourcing partner follows recognized software testing methodologies, such as Agile and DevOps best practices.
  • Inquire about the BPO firm’s quality control measures, including how it attains the accuracy and reliability of test results.
  • Evaluate the provider’s software testing tools and confirm their compatibility with your existing systems.
  • Verify the software testing vendor’s security and compliance strategies to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of your sensitive data.
  • Confirm whether the provider offers flexible engagement models that match your project’s needs and funding allocations.
  • Ensure the potential BPO partner has effective collaboration strategies to avoid disruptions despite cultural and time zone differences.
  • Ensure the vendor has transparent pricing models to prevent overlooking hidden charges and unexpected extra fees.
  • Perform a thorough cost-benefit analysis to identify if hiring a BPO partner is more financially viable than maintaining an in-house software testing team.
  • Negotiate clear contract terms and conditions, including detailed expectations regarding testing timelines, deliverables, and quality metrics.
  • Clarify ownership of artifacts, results, and other IP assets created during software testing.
  • Assess the provider’s risk management plan to understand their ability to proactively handle unforeseen challenges.

The Bottom Line

Outsourcing software testing helps guarantee your digital platforms’ improved quality and performance. Providers deliver cost-effective human and technology resources to address challenges related to this function. 

BPO providers exercise those processes listed above to ensure smooth software functions and enhanced UX. However, be sure you know the different factors when outsourcing software testing to help you maximize the benefits of working with a third party.

Let’s connect if you need technical assistance for your software products. Unity Communications has a dynamic team of technical support agents to handle the engagement aspect of your platforms. We also use modern tools to streamline work.

Picture of Joyce Ann Danieles
Joyce Ann Danieles is an SEO content writer from Manila, Philippines. She’s comfortable writing outsourcing-focused articles, helping you clarify the confusing concepts surrounding the BPO industry. With her experience in news writing and copywriting, she’s always ready to feed your brain with random facts and creative insights.   Outside work, Joyce explores the world of literature. She tries to write fiction she hopes to share with everyone someday.
Picture of Joyce Ann Danieles

Joyce Ann Danieles

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