Five Ways Outsourcing Helps Phoenix Medical Practices Elevate Performance

Healthcare in Phoenix is embracing business process outsourcing (BPO) to boost performance. Medical facilities benefit from BPO by improving operational quality. This article highlights the importance of outsourcing in healthcare and lists tasks suitable for delegation.
ways outsourcing elevates medical performance - featured image

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The healthcare industry in Arizona’s capital city is experiencing a shift, with medical organizations recognizing the power of business process outsourcing (BPO). Its myriad benefits help local clinics, hospitals, and healthcare groups enhance performance.

If you are wondering how partnering with a BPO company in Phoenix supports medical facilities in improving the quality of their operations, this article is for you.

Below, we explore the importance of enhancing healthcare services and how outsourcing can elevate medical performance. We also provide a short list of healthcare tasks you can delegate.

What Are the Key Performance Metrics Followed by Medical Facilities?

What Are the Key Performance Metrics Followed by Medical Facilities

Medical companies assess their capabilities using various metrics. What they decide to use heavily depends on their specific mission, goals, and values. Nevertheless, medical performance metrics can be broadly classified into three main groups: financial, operational, and clinical. 

To fully grasp how outsourcing helps improve healthcare operations, let us first understand how such organizations measure performance. Consider the following:

  • Financial metrics assess the company’s financial health and profitability. Common factors used to determine economic performance include revenue, profit, return on investment (ROI), gross margin, and net margin.
  • Operational metrics measure the efficiency and effectiveness of business activities. The industry’s most prevalent operational metrics are patient volumes, average length of stay (LOS), readmission rates, employee turnover, and customer satisfaction.
  • Clinical metrics rate an organization’s quality of care. Assessing patient outcomes, infection rates, medication errors, adverse events, and preventable deaths helps measure an organization’s clinical performance.

In addition to these metrics, healthcare facilities may measure their performance through employee engagement, innovation, and social responsibility. 

Aside from internal factors, medical companies can benchmark their performance against others in the industry. This step helps identify areas where they excel and require improvement.

How Crucial Is Performance Improvement for Phoenix Medical Companies?

Greater Phoenix is emerging as a healthcare hub, with over 90,000 new medical jobs expected to open within the next decade. The region’s status as a national leader in the healthcare industry makes it a popular location for hospitals and clinics. They compete for patients, employees, and market share.

In the city’s highly fierce and dynamic healthcare environment, local organizations must constantly track, analyze, and improve their medical performance. Doing so allows them to refine their quality of care, giving them a competitive edge.

Thus, many medical facilities rely on healthcare BPO services. This practice involves different ways to delegate non-core business functions to third-party companies, whether through onshore, nearshore, or offshore outsourcing. It also offers several benefits that help elevate medical performance.

How Outsourcing Helps Phoenix Facilities Improve Medical Performance

How Outsourcing Helps Phoenix Facilities Improve Medical Performance

Healthcare BPO enhances medical performance by reducing costs, providing better access to expertise, and promoting technological adoption. These benefits help boost operational efficiency, improve scalability and flexibility, and increase focus on core competencies.

The many advantages of healthcare outsourcing make it a widespread practice. According to Grand View Research, the global medical affairs BPO market reached $1.7 billion in 2022. It is predicted to expand at a 13.6% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) by 2030.

Below are the ways outsourcing supports medical facilities in elevating their performance levels.

Increased Profitability Through Significant Cost Reductions

With surging costs and budget cuts in the healthcare industry, medical facilities must find ways to remain profitable. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the average national health spending could reach $6.8 trillion by 2030.

Outsourcing is typically less expensive than managing an in-house team, making it a practical and attractive choice for organizations of all sizes. This practice allows you to save on various expenses, including:

  • Labor costs. This benefit is mainly evident in partnering with a BPO provider operating in areas with lower living expenses and wage ranges. For example, businesses that outsource to the Philippines save 70%–90% on labor costs. Changes in the Phoenix metro area’s compensation costs make healthcare BPO affordable.
  • Overhead expenses. Remote professionals perform outsourced administrative tasks. This setup allows you to save on office rent and equipment purchases. It lessens the need to maintain utilities, especially heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems necessary during summer.
  • Infrastructure investments. Most BPO providers leverage the latest infrastructure, whether industry-specific or not, to help you streamline operations. Access to such materials lets you save on costly investments and maintenance fees. We will discuss the technologies they use in the following sections.
  • Hiring costs. Outsourcing companies cover the entire hiring process for their teams. They create job postings for the roles their clients need, screen candidates, onboard new hires, and train them in industry-specific best practices. Reduced hiring costs are a way outsourcing helps medical facilities elevate their financial performance.
  • Benefits packages. You need not worry about creating competitive compensation deals for healthcare outsourcing teams. BPO providers take care of their workers’ benefits. They provide healthcare insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, skills development workshops, and employee wellness programs. 

Boosted Productivity Through Added Expertise 

Healthcare BPO teams are thoroughly screened to ensure members have the necessary educational and professional background. They train to further enhance their skills and knowledge of medical tasks. Some certifications they must possess include the following:

  • Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
  • Certified Medical Biller and Coder (CMBC)
  • Certified Professional Coder (CPC)
  • Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT)
  • Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA)

Such expertise may be difficult to acquire in the Valley, especially considering the metro area’s tight labor market.

In addition to these certifications, healthcare outsourcing teams are also well-versed in the different laws regulating Phoenix medical facilities, such as:

  • Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Requirements 
  • Arizona Medical Practice Act (AMPA) 
  • Arizona Nursing Home Licensing Act (ANHLA) 
  • False Claims Act (FCA)
  • Arizona Hospital Licensing Act (AHLA) 
  • Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) 
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) 

Employing third-party workers who can navigate the complexities of these regulations helps ensure compliance. You can avoid costly penalties that damage your organization’s financial health, reputation, and operations. Such was the case with Banner Health; their noncompliance resulted in a $1.25 million fine.

Enhanced Efficiency Through Technological Adoptions

Another way outsourcing elevates medical performance is by leveraging the latest technologies. As mentioned, BPO providers invest in their infrastructure and software to support clients.

Digital transformation is one of the most evident BPO trends and predictions, with artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud-based computing as the leading tools. Healthcare organizations can optimize AI to automate repetitive tasks. They may also use it to analyze data, identify trends, and make predictions.

Meanwhile, cloud computing enables BPO teams, clinicians, and patients to access data and applications from anywhere with an Internet connection. The common technologies outsourcing providers utilize are:

  • Electronic health records (EHR) system. Healthcare outsourcing teams use this tool to access and update patient information. These data include medical history, diagnoses, medications, and treatment plans. EHR systems improve access to medical records, enhance communication between clinicians and patients, and personalize care.
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) system. This software allows medical facilities to track patient interactions, manage appointments, and handle billing inquiries. CRM systems can also be used for patient onboarding and engagement, case management and issue resolution, compliance and regulatory adherence, and patient surveys.
  • Telehealth and virtual care. Facilitating remote patient consultations is one way outsourcing can help elevate medical performance. Virtual care makes healthcare more accessible and convenient, benefiting patients with difficulties traveling. It also reduces costs by minimizing the use of expensive medical equipment.
  • Data analytics and reporting tool. Utilizing this helps you collect, analyze, and visualize patient data. It provides insights into patient demographics, treatment outcomes, and potential areas for improvement. You can also use data analytics and reporting tools for more personalized outreach via patient segmentation and targeting.

Improved Scalability Through Flexible Services

Outsourcing lets you scale operations up or down as needed. BPO teams are readily available, and their automation and cloud-based tools make accommodating and adapting to fluctuating demands easier.

Such flexibility is vital during the summer in Phoenix. Patient volumes peak during this season due to surging cases of heat-related complications. According to the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), Maricopa County had 2,702 hospital visits due to heat-related illnesses. That is half of Arizona’s 4,426 cases.

Here are other ways outsourcing helps healthcare facilities scale and elevate medical performance:

  • Round-the-clock services. Partnering with a BPO provider in a different time zone provides you with a 24/7 team. Round-the-clock administrative support helps prevent operational disruptions, improving patient satisfaction by reducing wait times.
  • Multilingual support team. Phoenix is a diverse city, with 42.9% of its population comprising Hispanics and Latinos. Access to Spanish- and English-speaking medical staff expands your scope of service. It reduces the risk of misinterpretations, miscommunications, and misunderstandings caused by language barriers.
  • Global market insights. Healthcare BPO providers analyze large volumes of global healthcare data to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities. They can provide medical facilities with insights into patient preferences, treatment outcomes, and healthcare costs across different geographies, enabling them to expand their market.

Greater Focus on Core Competencies Through Reallocated Resources 

Providing a positive patient experience is the key to improving medical performance. However, with Arizona’s increasing healthcare staff shortages, healthcare specialists must juggle multiple tasks.

With the support staff, technologies, and cost savings you gain through outsourcing, you can reinvest resources in core medical activities. These include patient care and treatment, healthcare innovation, and industry research. 

Medical facilities can achieve optimal performance by attending activities that directly impact patient experience and profitability. This shift in priorities extends beyond operational efficiency and cost savings. It shortens patient wait times, reduces patient costs, enhances data security, and reinforces medical care, increasing overall patient satisfaction.

Administrative Healthcare Tasks You Can Outsource

Administrative Healthcare Tasks You Can Outsource

Whether you delegate front-office or back-office tasks, BPO services for healthcare help improve operations. Medical outsourcing teams are proficient and well-versed in the following administrative tasks:

  • Healthcare information technology (IT). This task provides clinicians with quick access to medical records and offers a simple approach to patient record management. Providing you with a healthcare IT BPO team is one way outsourcing elevates medical performance. They have the expertise to manage infrastructure vital to daily operations.
  • Medical transcription and coding. BPO teams comprehensively understand the different numeric and alphanumeric codes necessary for these tasks. These ciphers include the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPS), the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), and Current Procedural Terminology (CPT).
  • Claims processing. Medical facilities treat numerous patients daily, making it difficult to maintain efficiency and accuracy in claims processing. Employing third-party professionals speeds up the process. From submission, registration, and triage to review, adjudication, and payment, BPO teams can keep up with claims processing.
  • Supply chain management. Outsourcing teams oversee the procurement, storage, distribution, and tracking of medical supplies for client healthcare facilities. They have the organizational and communication skills to negotiate better prices and ensure prompt deliveries.
  • Medical answering services. Prompt responses to emergency calls are critical in the healthcare industry, especially in a hub such as Phoenix. BPO providers develop a dedicated team for medical answering services to improve productivity. The team is skilled in medical terminology, stress management, and customer service.

The Bottom Line

Healthcare BPO emerges as a practical solution to help Phoenix-based medical facilities scale. Its many benefits and services allow organizations to elevate their financial, operational, and clinical performance amidst the city’s competitive healthcare industry.

Outsourcing even the simplest administrative tasks gives you access to expertise, technologies, and scalable solutions without incurring additional costs. It allows you to focus on core activities that improve patient experience and profitability.

Let’s connect if you want to learn more about how outsourcing elevates healthcare and medical performance. Unity Communications has been in the medical outsourcing sector since 2009 and profoundly understands industry-specific best practices.

Picture of Ezra Samarista
Ezra Samarista is a history graduate who found a career in and passion for writing during the pandemic. She enjoys copywriting the most but finds content writing and research fulfilling. Her love for learning and simplifying information led her to become one of the minds behind the pool of business process outsourcing (BPO) knowledge that the Unity Connect website offers its visitors. Outside work, Ezra is either creating digital art, playing video games, shopping, spending time with her family and cats, or just sleeping in.
Picture of Ezra Samarista

Ezra Samarista

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