How Hiring a Virtual Assistant Supercharges Content Creation and Marketing for Phoenix-based Shopify Stores

Phoenix has 4,194 Shopify stores, the highest in Arizona, with growing e-commerce. Demand for virtual assistants is rising, aiding businesses in enhancing website content to boost online presence and stay competitive. Learn how VAs improve Shopify stores' visibility.
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According to Store Leads, Phoenix has the highest number of Shopify stores in Arizona, totaling 4,194. Arizona-based Shopify users have also grown over the years. Due to the continued expansion of online retail, the demand for virtual assistants (VAs) in Phoenix is expected to increase. 

E-commerce businesses seek help from third-party professionals to enhance their website content to attract customers, stay competitive, and get ahead of market rivals. 

This article explains how employing virtual assistants for content creation significantly improves the online presence of Shopify stores.

Continue reading to discover more.

The Advantages of Hiring Virtual Assistants for Content Creation

The Advantages of Hiring Virtual Assistants for Content Creation

Consider the benefits below to see how virtual assistants boost the content creation and marketing efforts of Phoenix-based Shopify stores.

Increase Investable Funds by Reducing Costs

Delegating content creation to third-party specialists is more affordable than hiring full-time writers, graphic designers, and similar creative personnel. Outsourcing content creation to VAs from a business process outsourcing (BPO) company means the Shopify store owner no longer has to spend money on recruitment, salary, benefits, and training.

For example, the average salary of a regular writer in Phoenix is over $64,000 annually, while content writer VAs from the Philippines and Mexico earn around $6,700 and $22,000, respectively. Filipino VAs are also known for their high English proficiency, so their writing skills are comparable to their American counterparts.

Hiring virtual assistants for content creation via service providers lets the business save money on:

  • Recruitment costs. The BPO company shoulders recruitment expenses, including employment ads, application screening, written and oral assessments, onboarding, and training.
  • Compensation costs. The third-party provider pays for the VAs’ salaries and other non-monetary incentives, such as medical insurance, income tax, sick and holiday leaves, and separation pay.
  • Upskilling and re-training costs. The BPO firm invests in the content and marketing team’s skill enhancement to update the VAs on best practices and current standards. It pays for the seminars, workshops, and other advanced training programs. 
  • Equipment costs. The virtual assistants’ content creation services result in lower capital or investment costs for the client. The BPO partner supplies the VAs with digital equipment, tools, and systems.

Publish and Distribute Various Content to Capture the Right Market

In-house marketing teams in Phoenix companies might need more knowledge and experience to evaluate content materials, styles, and types and identify what works best for their target audience. Companies can instead rely on VA content writers with pertinent skills in planning and developing various types of content.

The following are examples of the content types VAs can produce:

  • Blogs are regularly updated web pages that provide helpful information about the company’s products or services. 
  • Buyer’s guides offer information that educates customers about products or services to help them decide what to purchase.
  • Case studies are detailed studies of specific subjects related to the company’s products or services.
  • E-books are non-editable books in electronic form that are viewable on a computer or portable device.
  • Guides and how-tos are articles that outline procedures from start to finish using a series of straightforward instructions.
  • Infographics are visual representations of information or data, such as charts or diagrams.
  • Landing pages are web pages built to turn visitors or readers into leads.
  • Product descriptions are marketing content that discusses and clarifies the perks of using the company’s products or services.
  • White papers are compelling, trustworthy, and comprehensive reports on a particular subject that highlight a problem and offer a solution.

One reason to hire virtual assistants for content creation is their versatility. Some writers work on different content types, while others specialize in one or two kinds. With outsourcing, the business can leverage specialist and generalist writers to optimize content. 

Raise Lead Generation and Conversion Rates for Enhanced Revenue

Recruiting virtual assistants for content creation via a BPO provider helps generate leads and boost conversion. Better and more content increases the chances of converting web viewers and visitors into leads.

While producing high-quality content should be the main priority, the number of articles also matters. A recent HubSpot study shows that more blogs result in more traffic. For example, a company with 400 or more blog posts receives twice as much traffic as companies with 301–400 posts. 

Below are the benefits of higher leads and conversions:

  • Decreased customer acquisition costs. Acquisition costs refer to the number of conversions the company receives as a return for specific investments. More conversions mean lower costs and more effective content creation.
  • Deeper insights into consumer behavior. Virtual assistants for content creation yield more traffic, leads, and conversions. They enable the company to better understand customers’ buying preferences and attitudes. More significant insights lead to improved marketing strategies and content development.
  • Higher customer lifetime value. Stronger leads and conversions indicate that a Shopify store has a greater perceived value from customers and visitors. They tend to return repeatedly, purchasing more with each visit. 
  • Improved website revenue. Virtual assistants for content creation help marketing campaigns generate more sales and better return on investment (ROI). Developing and publishing more high-quality content leads to higher leads and conversions.

Concentrate on Core Competencies to Sharpen Competitive Advantage 

Outsourcing e-commerce services and hiring virtual assistants for content creation allow the Shopify business to focus on its primary functions. Outsourcing secondary processes, such as content generation and marketing support, enables the organization to redirect valuable but limited resources to sales- and income-generating activities. 

These main revenue-building activities include innovating and improving products or services, seeking ways to enter niche target markets, rebranding, or conducting major marketing initiatives.

Focusing on the core business bolsters and sustains a competitive advantage over market rivals. Outsourcing virtual assistants for content creation and other secondary processes can aid the Shopify store in achieving its goal of better competitiveness. 

Improved competitiveness leads to higher sales and income. Here are the perks of earning higher-than-expected revenue: 

  • Extend market reach faster to diversify revenue sources and reduce dependency on current customers.
  • Spend more on employee development and training to maximize efficiency and production.
  • Strengthen or update present product and service offerings to capture new consumers and raise sales.
  • Offer each worker, particularly remote VA teams, better perks and rewards to enhance team spirit and reduce attrition. 
  • Optimize consumer service to provide greater customer experience and strengthen brand loyalty and company reputation.
  • Acquire cutting-edge technology to boost procedures and output. 

Boost SEO to Rank Higher and Reach the Target Market

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a series of procedures that increases a website’s ranking or visibility on search engines, particularly Google. High-ranking web pages get more organic traffic. 

Hiring third-party virtual assistants for content creation is ideal for implementing successful SEO strategies. They are skilled at generating high-quality and relevant content to address users’ needs. Content creator VAs can help Shopify owners in Phoenix build better brand awareness and expand target audiences.

Check out some advantages of improved SEO content:

  • Better credibility. Gaining better website positioning increases the company’s online trustworthiness. Google grades web pages according to content quality, mobile usability, and website speed. 
  • More website visitors. Most web traffic comes from organic search, and high-quality leads are from customers seeking solutions to their needs. The company can attract more visitors and potential customers with better SEO. 
  • Higher brand awareness. Engaging virtual assistants for content creation makes it more achievable for businesses to rank high on Google’s search engine results page (SERP). Websites on the first page get the most attention from prospective customers, who will likely remember them for a long time. 

Offer Versatile Operations to Optimize Processes 

Employing outsourced virtual assistants for content creation helps maximize content production and manage the marketing team’s operating costs. The BPO company providing customer-centric outsourcing services can scale operations according to existing business needs or market conditions. 

The service provider can expand or decrease the number of VA content creators without disrupting the company’s processes. The client company can also change the number of articles it needs periodically based on the state of its business and available budget.

There might be periods when the low content volume is ideal due to business or industry changes. There might be times when producing numerous articles is needed to respond to market demands. Outsourcing content creation allows the company to easily and smoothly modify the VA team and production processes.

The other benefits of scalable operations include:

  • Cost efficiency. Hiring virtual assistants for content creation through service providers allows the business to manage its budget correctly. The BPO provider determines and supplies the right number of workers and processes needed to maximize content production and quality.
  • More creativity options. If the client finds its content quality needs a boost, it can request more or different writers and graphic designers from the service provider to offer fresh ideas, styles, and presentations. 

Professionalize the Website for Higher Reliability 

One main reason to get third-party virtual assistants for content creation is that they can help build a professional Shopify website. 

Content writers, graphic designers, and SEO specialists regularly work with writing, marketing, and technical experts such as editors, content managers, chief marketing officers (CMOs), and subject matter experts. They collaborate to develop and maintain the client’s website while populating it with high-quality and timely content.

This team of specialists can manage every part of the content creation process, from content development and production to optimization, publishing, and maintenance. They also perform quality control and assurance. These professionals minimize errors, update content, and promptly respond to customer and client concerns.

Look into some advantages of a professional website:

  • Greater user experience. While e-commerce customer service outsourcing helps improve the buyer experience, content creation subcontracting enhances the user experience. Smooth navigation menus, easy-to-understand instructions, and engaging articles elevate visitors’ experience when browsing the company’s website. 
  • Improved marketing. Virtual assistants for content creation help maximize the website as a cost-effective marketing tool. A professional and credible website can capture and retain a large audience without costly advertising. 
  • Easy accessibility. A professional website is available around the clock. Current and potential customers can check the site regardless of time and location, allowing them to purchase and contact customer support at their convenience. 

Deliver High Output for Greater Operational Efficiency 

High efficiency is one of the perks that outsourced virtual assistants for content creation offer. Third-party VAs are typically remote workers with flexible shift options. Shopify operators in Phoenix and other U.S. cities can hire these highly efficient professionals at affordable rates. 

Remote workers, or work-from-home (WFH) VAs, operate at their most productive times. They are seldom required to visit the physical office, avoiding time-consuming pre-work preparation and travel. Such a setup allows them to concentrate more on their daily tasks.

Another reason to hire third-party virtual assistants for content creation is that they provide quick and accurate service. Below are the factors that help raise remote work efficiency: 

  • Fully-geared team. Offshoring providers in the Philippines and other outsourcing destinations supply their content creator VAs with needed computer systems to assist in delivering services promptly and adequately. 
  • Structured WFH setup. The BPO provider regulates the remote workers through its fair and straightforward WFH policies to maintain high collaboration and performance.
  • Constant online meetings. The third-party VA team frequently interacts to keep track of task status and project progress via communication software (e.g., Skype, Zoom, and Slack). 

Demonstrate the ROI of Outsourcing to Gain the Client’s Trust

Companies can see the tangible benefits of their investments when leveraging virtual assistants for content creation. The following are indicators of their output and performance:

  • Growth in social media (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok) subscribers, shares, and interaction
  • Increase in views, visits, and conversions on specific content
  • Improvement in sales as a result of carrying out the content marketing strategy

These three measurements prove that the company gets returns. Favorable ROI is essential in marketing as profits are pivotal in outsourcing.

Hiring virtual assistants for content creation can boost sales and ROI over time. Higher returns translate to improved earnings. The company can use the profits in the following ways: 

  • Expand business operations. Better earnings enable the company to set up additional sites, purchase another company, seek new customers, and extend activities into international regions. 
  • Hire more personnel. The company can hire more third-party professionals to help meet its growing needs and demands. This favors the BPO partner since the client will likely request more of their outsourcing services. 
  • Get more financing. The business can attract more funding from interested investors. Profitable companies get the attention of groups that prefer to pour funds into ventures where the ROI is high.

The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line - virtual assistant for Content Creation

Employing virtual assistants for content creation can help Shopify shops in Phoenix grow and succeed. Engaging content creator VAs via an offshoring or onshoring provider will save money on operating costs. At the same time, productivity and effectiveness will improve when competent remote workers manage processes.  

Additionally, service providers can offer online retail owners outsourced customer service tips and other pointers to enhance customer support processes and the buyer experience. 

Let’s connect if you want to learn more about hiring virtual assistants to power up content creation and marketing for Phoenix-based Shopify stores!

Picture of Rene Mallari
Rene Mallari considers himself a multipurpose writer who easily switches from one writing style to another. He specializes in content writing, news writing, and copywriting. Before joining Unity Communications, he contributed articles to online and print publications covering business, technology, personalities, pop culture, and general interests. He has a business degree in applied economics and had a brief stint in customer service. As a call center representative (CSR), he enjoyed chatting with callers about sports, music, and movies while helping them with their billing concerns. Rene follows Jesus Christ and strives daily to live for God.
Picture of Rene Mallari

Rene Mallari

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