Why Hiring Virtual Assistants Is a Game Changer to Driving Success in the U.S. E-commerce Landscape

E-commerce surged amid the pandemic, driving businesses to rely on online transactions. With this boom, American firms seek virtual assistants from cities like Phoenix, Chicago, and New York for e-commerce support. Learn why hiring them is crucial for U.S. e-commerce success.
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Learn more about outsourcing services for Phoenix businesses. Watch the video below.

Since the pandemic, e-commerce has risen to prominence in the U.S. and become an essential outlet for many businesses. Online transactions have skyrocketed as many consumers shift to the internet to purchase goods and services. 

With the dramatic expansion of the e-commerce landscape, American businesses turn to third-party professionals to support their online operations. Independent professionals and virtual assistants in Phoenix, Chicago, New York, and other cities have become in demand. 

This article discusses the reasons to hire virtual assistants for e-commerce success in the U.S. Read on to learn more.

The Benefits of Virtual Assistants to E-commerce Success 

The Benefits of Virtual Assistants to E-commerce Success

The following are a few reasons why hiring virtual assistants leads to e-commerce success for U.S. businesses:

Reduced Operating Costs to Maximize Capital

Lower operating costs are one advantage of recruiting virtual assistants for e-commerce success. Explore how the business saves money by outsourcing e-commerce processes and other back-office or administrative functions:

  • Recruitment. In business process outsourcing (BPO), the service provider covers the lengthy and expensive process of hiring virtual assistants. It oversees job postings, application reviews, evaluations, training, and related activities. This arrangement lowers the recruitment costs for the outsourcing client.
  • Salaries. Contracting virtual assistants helps the business avoid paying top dollar on wages, boosting its chances of e-commerce success. The service provider also shoulders employee-related expenditures, from salaries to statutory benefits. All the business has to do is pay hourly or monthly fees for the BPO service.
  • Retraining and skill development. The BPO provider covers staff training and upskilling expenses to keep virtual assistants up to speed on current standards and working procedures. Companies performing these processes in-house need significant funds to send professionals to seminars and workshops for additional training. 
  • Office space, equipment, tools, and furniture. One motivation for hiring virtual assistants for e-commerce success is reducing capital or investment costs. The BPO firm uses its physical facilities and assets to fulfill the service requirements.

Better Focus on Core Competencies to Hone Business Edge 

Recruiting virtual assistants lets the company focus on its core business to ensure e-commerce success. Outsourcing enables the organization to channel its time, money, and effort toward business-critical functions. These high-value tasks include developing and producing new products or services, launching major marketing campaigns, or expanding to new locations. 

Concentrating on the core business helps the company strengthen and retain an edge over industry rivals. Thus, hiring virtual assistants for secondary operations helps attain e-commerce success and better competitiveness.

Having a business edge results in improved income. With higher revenue, the company can:

  • Purchase advanced technologies to improve processes and production
  • Provide better consumer service to achieve higher customer satisfaction and stronger brand loyalty
  • Reward all staff, including the remote virtual assistant teams, with more attractive incentives to boost morale and minimize turnover
  • Enhance or upgrade existing product and service quality to attract new buyers and drive sales
  • Invest more in staff training and skill enhancement to advance productivity and output
  • Widen market reach faster to expand income streams and lessen reliance on the existing consumer base

Low-Cost, Productive Remote Workers for Higher Returns 

Third-party providers from the Philippines, Mexico, and other countries offer readily available, competent, and cost-effective work-from-home (WFH) virtual assistants. These professionals have sufficient educational background, communication skills, and technical credentials to perform outsourced e-commerce services. 

Here are the average rates of virtual assistants in the Philippines and Mexico compared to the U.S.:


Hourly Rate Range 

(in U.S.$) 

Average Hourly Rate 
The Philippines$5-$50  $27.5
The U.S.$31-$175$103

Source: Upwork 

Note: We computed the average hourly salary for each country by adding the lowest and highest figures and then dividing the sum by two. For example, Mexico’s hourly rate ranges between $5 and $50. Thus, $27.5 is the result of dividing $50 ($5 + $50) by two.

Based on the amounts above, a client can save $75.5 ($103 less $27.5) hourly by assigning e-commerce tasks to virtual assistants in the Philippines rather than in the U.S.

Note that the figures are approximations. Get the actual costs by contacting a BPO company

Improved Customer Experience (CX) for Better Consumer Loyalty 

One of the reasons to employ virtual assistants for e-commerce success is that they are experts in regularly providing high-quality consumer care. With e-commerce customer service outsourcing, companies consistently achieve high CX because third-party professionals ensure satisfied and loyal buyers.

Look at the benefits of improved CX:

  • Higher customer satisfaction. Virtual assistants offer positive CX to solidify product or service loyalty. They improve every customer interaction, from the initial purchase to after-sales support. Satisfied buyers tend to return to purchase more.
  • Enhanced brand reputation. Virtual assistants deliver superior CX that translates to more brand advocates, broader market presence, and assured e-commerce success. An excellent brand reputation also leads to a more extensive consumer base.
  • Better return on investment (ROI). Customer satisfaction raises ROI as pleased consumers spend more with a business. Happy customers then recommend products or services to others and share their favorable experiences on social media.
  • Increased customer insights. CX provides in-depth knowledge of consumer actions, perceptions, and inclinations. The third-party team gathers and examines data to assist in designing or modifying buyer experience strategies.
  • Reduced ongoing costs. Greater CX maximizes revenue while decreasing operating expenditures. The company can spend less money on ads to draw in new customers.

Flexible Staff and Processes for More Effective Financial Control

Hiring virtual assistants via BPO providers increases corporate value while decreasing expenses. The provider can scale the outsourced work based on a company’s requirements. 

The third-party vendor can also add or subtract virtual assistants or procedures for a client without interfering with its operations. Scalability allows the client company to optimize business value while attaining a reasonable cost for better financial management.

Check out some more advantages of scalable tasks:

  • Agility. The service provider aids the business in dealing with unexpected events without meddling with administrative, help desk, or customer support responsibilities. With improved responsiveness, companies enjoy better resilience in harsh settings.  
  • Cost efficiency. Clients can save money by hiring the right number of third-party virtual assistants through service providers. The BPO company also helps identify the activities required to improve efficiency and profitability.
  • Adaptability. The third-party provider can quickly and smoothly adjust current operations when assigning back-office duties like technical support and administrative tasks. Increased flexibility boosts business competitiveness.

Practical Way to Combat the Labor Crisis in the U.S. 

One reason to hire virtual assistants for e-commerce success is that remote workers can assist in tackling the present labor shortage in the U.S. resulting from the Great Resignation. This prominent social and economic event began during the global health crisis when millions of Americans willingly abandoned their jobs.

The mass departure of workers greatly impacted the American market, culminating in significant attrition and reducing staff morale, productivity, and performance. The labor shortage also influenced product manufacturing and customer service, hurting sales and earnings. As such, U.S. companies hire virtual assistants externally, particularly from Asia and Latin America. 

E-commerce offshoring providers in the Philippines, as well as nearshoring providers, can supply American businesses with qualified and English-speaking virtual assistants to mitigate the prevailing labor shortfall.

Multiple Channels for Steady Operations 

Seamless omnichannel communication with customers and clients is one of the main reasons to contract virtual assistants for e-commerce success through a service provider. The BPO firm can provide communication options (phone, video, and text) integrated into a single platform for comprehensive, uninterrupted interaction. Channel switching is effortless.

The following are the most common communication methods: 

  • Standard phones are traditional fixed-line telephones that initiate and receive calls.
  • Emails allow customers and virtual assistants to send private messages with photo and data attachments.
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony is similar to a standard phone but requires a high-speed internet connection and a VoIP-based phone device.
  • Short message service (SMS) lets customers send quick texts to virtual assistants through mobile phones for immediate replies.
  • Self-service portals are online pages that customers can check to resolve product or service issues. They include tutorials and community forums.
  • Social media lets customers post concerns and questions (e.g., Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook).
  • Chatbots let customers speak with advanced software using text or voice commands to make basic inquiries.
  • Live chat enables customers to chat with virtual assistants through the company website in real time to address their concerns.

Decreased Administrative and Regulatory Burdens to Minimize Costs

Hiring virtual assistants via BPO providers helps guarantee e-commerce success. Not only do they provide customer-centric outsourcing services, but they also lower the client’s management and legal accountabilities. 

Included in the tasks when establishing new offices overseas and enlisting full-time employees are tracking and complying with multiple tax, labor, and government policies. When getting virtual assistants externally, the BPO firm deals with employment-related issues like potential labor strikes and staff lawsuits. The client company is protected from such incidents. 

Other upsides to employing VA services include:

  • Experienced hiring managers. The service provider appoints qualified human resources (HR) personnel to manage employee-related processes and difficulties. They encourage unity at work to increase production, motivation, and efficiency.
  • Broad presence throughout the talent supply. Another motivation to get virtual assistants through a BPO provider is their extensive connection to a sizeable talent pool. It can staff clients with skilled professionals at once.

Effective Remote VAs for Higher Productivity  

Enhanced productivity is among the incentives for employing outsourced virtual assistants for e-commerce success. The third-party provider assigns tasks to virtual assistant teams with flexible shifts and remote setups. 

WFH professionals can accomplish tasks more efficiently. After all, they no longer worry about tedious chores like setting aside at least an hour for preparatory work activities and going to and from the physical workplace.

Third-party virtual assistants can deliver faster and more effective service to enable e-commerce success. Here are several elements that contribute to increased productivity while professionals work remotely:

  • Stringent data security. Remote workers use virtual private networks (VPNs) and antivirus applications to safeguard company, customer, and client information from online intruders and hackers.
  • Organized remote work. The BPO provider implements strict but fair WFH policies to keep worker collaboration, productivity, and performance within requirements. 
  • Frequent online sessions. The third-party team regularly meets to monitor project status and work progress.
  • Regular communication software users. WFH professionals primarily use popular communication programs for real-time interactions. Skype, Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom are some examples. 
  • Well-equipped virtual assistants. The service provider supplies virtual assistants with relevant computer systems (hardware and software) to help complete tasks accurately and quickly.

More Stringent Data Security to Avert Costly Penalties

Engaging third-party virtual assistants for e-commerce success lets companies avoid expensive fines. The service provider helps the firm comply with government regulations and industry guidelines. Failure to adhere to such rules can result in litigation, sanctions, adverse publicity, and other legal and monetary repercussions.

The BPO partner keeps track of sector-specific and common laws, including:

  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the strictest data privacy legislation. The European law slaps high fines against big companies due to GDPR violations.
  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) calls for the healthcare sector (medical organizations, vendors, and professionals) to protect patient data against unauthorized use.
  • The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) obliges businesses to handle credit card information strictly. The policy enforces strict cardholder data management rules to combat fraudulent credit card transactions.

Competent Workers to Deliver Excellent Services

Virtual assistants are mostly college-educated, skilled, enthusiastic, and adaptable workers. They are willing to work to serve customers and clients regardless of time zone differences. 

Many low-cost VAs are from the Philippines, with around one million registered on Upwork. They are proficient in relevant technologies like digital devices, online programs, and social networks. These workers are also comfortable with Western workplace norms and job procedures. 

Additionally, virtual assistants guarantee e-commerce success because they have the required technical abilities and soft skills for assigned processes. They have also gained valuable competencies through their employment with BPO providers. They are trained in various skill sets to meet different requirements, including:

  • Back-office support  
  • Basic information technology (IT) 
  • Web development 
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) 
  • Administrative support
  • Basic bookkeeping
  • Email management 
  • Digital marketing 
  • Graphic design 
  • Customer service or support
  • Social media management
  • Data entry

The Bottom Line

The bottomline - virtual assistants for e-commerce success

Virtual assistant services offer many benefits that can help companies reach e-commerce success. When businesses hire these workers through a BPO provider, they enjoy lower operating expenses due to lower service fees. At the same time, output and efficiency tend to improve as skilled remote workers handle them.  

Regardless of size and industry, American online retail companies and e-commerce stores gain from partnering with BPO companies that can also give outsourced customer service tips

Let’s connect if you want to learn more about hiring virtual assistants for e-commerce success

Picture of Rene Mallari
Rene Mallari considers himself a multipurpose writer who easily switches from one writing style to another. He specializes in content writing, news writing, and copywriting. Before joining Unity Communications, he contributed articles to online and print publications covering business, technology, personalities, pop culture, and general interests. He has a business degree in applied economics and had a brief stint in customer service. As a call center representative (CSR), he enjoyed chatting with callers about sports, music, and movies while helping them with their billing concerns. Rene follows Jesus Christ and strives daily to live for God.
Picture of Rene Mallari

Rene Mallari

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