Information Security Policy

Last Updated: March 14, 2024

Unity Communications & Consulting Group, Inc. (UCCGI) understands that maintaining information and assetsecurity is vital for the successful operation of its offshore and nearshore BPO operations.

UCCGI has taken a firm commitment to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its information.It has established an Information Security Management System (ISMS) which includes information security policies, procedures, and a comprehensive risk management framework. This management system efficiently protects the data and information of UCCGI and its stakeholders from both internal and external threats, whether intentional or unintentional.

The management of UCCGI is committed to ensure that:

  • Appropriate resources are allocated to implement, operate, and review an effective Information Security Management System.
  • Awareness of the employees towards information security is enhanced through regular training and appropriate initiatives.
  • Applicable legal, regulatory, statutory, and contractual requirements related to information security are identified, documented, complied with, and regularly reviewed.
  • Establish, monitor, review, acted upon measurable and time-bound objectives and performance indicators.
  • The organization continually improves the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the information security management system and practices the same through various strategic and operational initiatives.

All employees, contractors, and vendors are responsible for complying with this policy and reporting
any information security incidents or concerns to the IT Manager.

This policy will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis or as needed to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with the ISO standard, applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.